Rare occurence of the error "AsymmetricSign: context deadline exceeded" with GCP CloudKMS #497
We are encountering a rare occurence of a "AsymmetricSign: context deadline exceeded" error using GCP CloudKMS. Rare as in, during the past year it only happened 4 times on our mainnet baker.
The full error (I replaced our project name with XXXXX):
Error signing request: (CloudKMS/projects/XXXXXXXXX/locations/global/keyRings/baking) AsymmetricSign: context deadline exceeded
I'm posting this here mostly in case this could be an issue for baker with a much bigger stack than ours (our address: tz3YJYNkKUktLkJXoWLyo3r6dTwfwGASVzUx)
It doesn't seem to be related to any activity on the VM, the CPU of this machine never goes above 10%, RAM is always lower than 20%, and disk activity is basically null.
We are running Signatory on a e2-highcpu-2 instance, as the only service there.
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