I have a setup like so:
- [ ] Major task A
- [X] Minor task 1
- [ ] Minor task 2
- [ ] Patch task i
- [x] Patch task ii
- [ ] Major task B
- [ ] Minor task 1
- [X] Minor task 2
- [ ] Minor task 3
- [X] Major task C
## LOG
When collecting tasks, the plugin is just collecting the marked tasks straight up and removing the context from the incomplete tasks. However, I would expect them to be collected like so:
- [ ] Major task A
- [ ] Minor task 2
- [ ] Patch task i
- [ ] Major task B
- [ ] Minor task 1
- [ ] Minor task 3
## LOG
- Major task A
- [X] Minor task 1
- Minor task 2
- [x] Patch task ii
- Major task B
- [X] Minor task 2
- [X] Major task C
in order to retain context in both the completed and the still unfinished tasks.