A gulp plugin to deploy to and query an eXist-db using eXist's XML-RPC API.
In order to make use of gulp-exist
you will need to have
gulp installed (in version 4 or later).
And a running existdb instance, of course (version 4.7.1 or higher recommended).
In your project folder run
npm install --save-dev gulp @existdb/gulp-exist
Then create a file with the name gulpfile.js
in the root of your project with the following contents
const {src} = require('gulp'),
{createClient} = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// authenticate against local eXist instance for development
const connectionOptions = {
basic_auth: {
user: "admin",
pass: ""
const exClient = createClient(connectionOptions)
// deploy all
function deploy () {
return src('**/*', {cwd: 'build'})
.pipe(exClient.dest({target: '/db/apps/myapp/'}))
exports.default = deploy
Now, gulp deploy
will store all files in the build
directory to
/db/apps/myapp collection in eXist.
Also note, that non-existing collections and sub-folders will be created automatically for you.
Have a look at the example gulpfile for a more complete gulpfile offering more advanced tasks.
Read connection options from environment variables. Currently supported variables are listed in the table below.
variable name | default | description |
none | the user used to connect to the database and to execute queries with |
none | the password to authenticate the user against the database |
https://localhost:8443 |
the URL of the database instance to connect to (only http and https protocol allowed) |
With the below setup the connection is then controlled by the variables in the environment.
const {src} = require('gulp')
const {createClient, readOptionsFromEnv} = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
const exClient = createClient(readOptionsFromEnv())
// deploy all
function deploy () {
return src('**/*', {cwd: 'build'})
.pipe(exClient.dest({target: '/db/apps/myapp/'}))
exports.default = deploy
EXISTDB_SERVER=http://localhost:8080 \
gulp deploy
The npm package dotenv-cli offers a great way to read and set environment variables from files.
npm install -g dotenv-cli
Create a .env
in your project root.
And then
dotenv gulp deploy
Returns a set of functions to interact with an eXist-db instance. What you can do is dependent on the permissions of the user specified in the connection options.
NOTE: The connection options are passed through to the XMLRPC client library. So it might be possible to use different authentication methods or to pass in more options than mentioned below as long as your eXist-db installation understands them.
Type: string
Default: 'localhost'
Type: number
Default: 8443
Path to eXist's XML-RPC endpoint
Type: string
Default: '/exist/xmlrpc'
The credentials used to authenticate requests. What you can and cannot do depends on the permissions this user has.
Type: Object
{ user: 'guest', pass: 'guest' }
Use HTTPS (or HTTP) to connect to the database instance.
NOTE: You need a valid certificate installed in the keystore of exist for connections to remote servers.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Connecting to a remote server using a secure connection.
const {createClient} = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
const exClient = createClient({
host: "my-server.tld",
secure: true,
port: 443,
basic_auth: { user: "app", pass: "1 handmade eclectic eclaire" }
Connecting to localhost server using a insecure connection.
const {createClient} = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
const exClient = createClient({
host: "localhost",
secure: false,
port: 8080
Uploads input files to a target collection in eXist.
Remote deployment target collection. Non-existent collections will be created.
Type: string
Default '/db'
When set to true, any HTML file that cannot be parsed as valid XML, will be uploaded as a binary file instead. HTML5 documents tend to be non well-formed XML.
Formerly binary_fallback
NOTE: Binary documents can not be indexed and therefore are also not
searchable by the eXist-db. This option is only useful for template files.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Specify remote permissions for files as path-permission pairs.
Type: Object{path: permissions}
Default: {}
'.secrets/key': 'rwx------',
'controller.xql': 'rwxr-xr-x'
const { src } = require('gulp')
const { createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override defaults
const exist = createClient({
basic_auth: {
user: 'admin',
pass: ''
function deployWithPermissions () {
return src('**/*', {cwd: '.'})
target: '/db/apps/myapp/',
permissions: { 'controller.xql': 'rwxr-xr-x' }
exports.default = deployWithPermissions
The unique package descriptor of the application to be installed.
NOTE: For versions after v4.0.2 this option is ignored and will be read from the XAR itself.
The application repository that will be used to resolve dependencies. Only needs to be set if the default repository cannot be used.
const { src } = require('gulp')
const { createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override defaults
const exist = createClient({
basic_auth: {
user: 'admin',
pass: ''
function install () {
return src('spec/files/test-app.xar')
Filters the input stream for files that are newer than their remote counterpart.
Which collection to compare the local files to.
Only upload modified files.
const { src } = require('gulp')
const { createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override some default connection options
const exist = createClient({
basic_auth: {
user: 'admin',
pass: ''
const target = '/db/apps/myapp/' // the collection to write to
const html5AsBinary = true // upload HTML5 templates as binary
function deployNewer () {
return src('**/*', {cwd: '.'})
.pipe(exist.dest({target, html5AsBinary}));
exports.default = deployNewer
Execute input files as XQuery on the server.
The input files will not be stored in eXist but read locally and executed
directly. The query results will be logged in the console (can be disabled by
setting printXqlResults
to false
). For each input file, the result
of the query will also be emitted as an output file that can optionally be
copied into a local directory for logging. Timestamps will be appended to the
filename. The filename extension of the output files can be controlled with
(default is xml
Whether to print the results of executed XQuerys to console.
Type: boolean
Default: true
The filename extension that will be used for XQuery result files emitted by
. Possible values are 'xml' or 'json'.
Type: string
Default: 'xml'
Query params passed to the eXist-db XMLRPC API (https://exist-db.org/exist/apps/doc/devguide_xmlrpc). Can be used to pass query variables (see Example 2).
Type: Object
Default: {}
Upload a collection index configuration file and re-index the collection
xquery version "3.1";
declare option exist:serialize "method=json media-type=text/javascript";
map { "success": xmldb:reindex('/db/apps/myapp/data') }
const { src, dest } = require('gulp')
const { createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override some default connection options
const exist = createClient({
basic_auth: {
user: "admin",
pass: ""
const queryConfig = {
target: '/db/apps/myapp',
xqlOutputExt: 'json'
function deployCollectionXConf () {
return src('collection.xconf', {cwd: '.'})
target: `/db/system/config${queryConfig.target}`
function reindex () {
return src('scripts/reindex.xq', {cwd: '.'})
exports.default = series(deployCollectionXConf, reindex)
Pass a variable to the XQuery script.
(: optionally declare the variable as external :)
declare variable $someVariable external;
<result>{ $someVariable }</result>
const { src, dest } = require('gulp')
const { createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override some default connection options
const exist = createClient({
basic_auth: {
user: "admin",
pass: ""
// set `variables` query parameter
const queryConfig = {
queryParams: {
variables: {
someVariable: "some value"
function runQueryWithVariable () {
return src('scripts/var.xq', {cwd: '.'})
exports.default = runQueryWithVarible
Override the mime type used to store files in exist based on their extension.
just exposes mime.define()
NOTE: attempt to redefine a registered extension will throw an error.
Extended by default:
'application/xquery': ['xq', 'xquery', 'xqs', 'xql', 'xqm'],
'application/xml': ['xconf', 'odd']
Type: Object {mimetype: [extensions]}
exist.defineMimeTypes({ 'text/foo': ['bar'] })
Have a look at the example gulpfile.
will report when a file has changed. deployBuild
will run
each time that happens uploading all files that have changed since its
last execution.
const { watch, src, dest, lastRun } = require('gulp')
const { createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override defaults
const connectionOptions = {
basic_auth: {
user: "admin",
pass: ""
const exist = createClient(connectionOptions)
function deployBuild () {
return src('build/**/*', {
base: 'build',
since: lastRun(deployBuild)
exports.deploy = deployBuild
function watchBuild () {
watch('build/**/*', series(deployBuild));
exports.watch = watchBuild
exports.default = series(deployBuild, watchDeploy)
const { src, dest } = require('gulp'),
zip = require('gulp-zip'),
pkg = require('./package.json'),
{ createClient } = require('@existdb/gulp-exist')
// override some default connection options
const exist = createClient({
basic_auth: {
user: "admin",
pass: ""
function build {
// compile everything into the 'build' directory
function xar () {
return src('build/**/*', {base: 'build'})
function install () {
return src(`${pkg.abbrev}-${pkg.version}.xar`)
.pipe(exist.install({packageUri: "http://myapp"}))
exports.default = series(build, xar, install)
A running instance of eXist-db v2.2+ at localhost port 8443 with an admin user that has a blank password.
You can override the above settings with environment variables (see dbconnection.js for details).
npm test
dotenv-cli can be used here, too:
dotenv npm test