A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc...
- bash 5.1
- loadable accept builtin (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/bash.git/tree/examples/loadables/accept.c)
The port can be set by the env var: HTTP_PORT
The path to accept (Directory) can be set by using: BASH_LOADABLE_PATH
Server Methods:
- serverHtml (needs DOCUMENT_ROOT envvars) - This will serve the static files
- script file - The script need a file as first argument which will be source. The file will need a function named runner, which will be run on each request
Well there's a little problem... since accept doesn't close the connection (Or i'm doing something wrong), the connection will go into TIME_WAIT. This means that we need to wait the time the connection will be closed, after that we can reopen a connection. I will have a look at the source code and probably provide some options, like a bind-address and a close when the FD is closed.
Accept has been patched by me. Now we can handle multiple request at the same time, without waiting the TIME_WAIT.
To use the new accept, you will need to compile the accept from this repo, a pull request will be send to bash, but it will take some time.
Now we can run multiple connection on the same time, since the connection is running in a subshell.
Busion is used to source some functions from other repositorys instead of copy/paste (https://github.com/dzove855/busion)
- Implement logging and provide a logging format like httpd
- Implement multi processing (this will be a huge step, but we need to patch accept)
- Implement urlencode/decode to provide readable get data
- Implement content-type detection - Use mime type like nginx
- Add basic auth