Once, back in the high school, my friend introduced me an extended version of Tic-Tac-Toe game.
I was very interested, since the basic version is trivial and boring. The key idea is that
each cell of the #
is replaced with yet another #
, which acts like normal Tic-Tac-Toe game.
Rules for making a move are following:
Each player draws a circle
in one of nine nested#
(see picture below), -
Choice of nested
by the player is enforced by the last opponent move in a such way:A player must draw character inside the nested # which is located in the same cell in an outer #, than the cell which was marked by the opponent in the previous move in a nested #. For example, if the last move was made inside outer cell NORTH-WEST, and SOUTH-EAST in inner cell then the next move have to be made inside SOUTH-EAST outer cell.
If a nested
has been already decided (game in the#
ended), player can choose any nested#
to make a move. -
In the first move a player can choose any nested
In this project you can find implementation of the game, which I generalized to more than two levels,
i.e. each nested #
can contain another #
etc. For that reason, I called the game Fractal Tic-Tac-Toe.
Feel free to play MCTS agent on as many levels as you wish. Below you can see part of a match between two MCTS players.
An example of a board state in three levels game.