Welcome to the Benchmarking Test project! 🚀
This Laravel-based project is designed to showcase your development skills as you tackle various tasks and implement key functionalities. Below, you'll find instructions on how to set up and run the project effortlessly.
Follow these steps to get the project up and running on your local environment:
git clone https://github.com/dyakadmytro/Benchmarking-Test.git Benchmarking
git submodule init
git submodule update
Copy the environment file for Laradock from docker-config/.env.example
to laradock/.env
Copy the Docker Compose configuration file from docker-config/docker-compose.yml
to laradock/docker-compose.yml
Navigate to the laradock
directory and build the necessary containers:
cd laradock
docker-compose build workspace php-fpm nginx mariadb redis
Now, start the containers using the following command:
docker-compose up -d workspace php-fpm nginx mariadb redis
Open the workspace container and configure the .env
file as needed. You can access the workspace container using:
docker-compose exec workspace bash
Inside the workspace container, run the following commands to cache the Laravel configuration:
php artisan config:cache
php artisan test