This is a gradle project which is used to test Scala, Java (jUnit or Spock), Spring Boot.
- 2 tiny REST services (Spring Boot) that receive whatever a greasemonkey script
sends: safaribooksonline-text receives html code and image url's
while safaribooksonline-video receives wget commands with video url's, writes it in
a file then in a terminal you should run while inotifywait -q -e modify /dev/shm/video.txt > /dev/null; do . /dev/shm/video.txt; done
to automatice download videos when there's a new video; another tiny REST service is used to tell the app to write everything it
receives so far to files and reset its memory; springfox is used to provide REST
API documentation in a Swagger style
- main/resources/static, main/resources/templates/index.html (shows how to get the context path with thymeleaf), main/resources/application.yaml go with this app.
- test/groovy/home/ shows some Spock features test/resources/META-INF/services/ to make Spock generate beautiful test reports
- test/java/home/ rename a bunch of files in 1 directory
- a way to call methods on nullable instance using java 8 Optional
- Animal, Tiger: fluent interface in inheritance
- test/java/home/ modify a subtitle file
- test/java/home/ shows the usefulness of Java 8 lambda syntactic sugar in using brute force to solve problems.
- test/java/home/ I use phantomjs to render a big image of Google maps (about 4300px by 5300px). The code is in test/resources/map.js. This test will print out the ImageMagick commands to cut that big image into smaller images that can be printed on 8x10 photos at Walgreens or CVS.
- gulp-express-browsersync: a nodejs application. It uses gulp and browser-sync to automatically reload changes. It uses express to write REST services. // TODO: need to call its test with gradle.