Hello i'm using 3.0.2 v. Drone Kit and I discovered bug with GroundSpeed and AirSpeed, because i have always this same values (ground speed values is correct), so take a closer look.
In class Speed we can set airSpeed, only one method using this ArduPilot.setAltitudeGroundAndAirSpeeds, but here we have problem.
- first function where we used is from ArduPilot.processVfHud (here we have corrected values)
- second function where we used is ArduPlane.processGlobalPositionInt , in my opinion we don't should calculate speeds (because we have in processVfHud) but bigger problem is transmissions value groundSpeed to groundSpeed and airSpeed. Look my link
The parameters which take: altitude, groundSpeed, airSpeed, climb
Ok now i know why doesn't work properly. Class ArduPlane:
protected void processVfrHud(msg_vfr_hud vfrHud){
//Nothing to do. Plane used GLOBAL_POSITION_INT to set altitude and speeds unlike copter
Can anyone add me to contributors, please ?
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