A helm version of 102-monitor-namespaces example. It uses flant/shell-operator:latest
image in chart template to run shell-operator and a ConfigMap as a storage for hooks.
Tiller should be configured with ServiceAccount to be able to install releases in different namespaces:
kubectl create serviceaccount tiller --namespace kube-system
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --service-account tiller
Install example to ns/example-helm:
helm install . --namespace example-helm --name example-helm
- Create ns/foobar to trigger a hook:
kubectl create ns foobar
See in logs that hook was run:
kubectl -n example-helm logs deploy/shell-operator
Namespace foobar was created
- Delete ns/foobar to trigger a hook:
kubectl create ns foobar
See in logs that hook was run:
kubectl -n example-helm logs deploy/shell-operator
Namespace foobar was deleted
Deployment/shell-operator has annotation with checksum of hook file, so after editing namespace-hook.sh release can be upgraded without additional kubectl commands:
helm upgrade example-helm . --namespace example-helm
helm delete --purge example-helm
kubectl delete ns/example-helm