NOTE: If you are in CS 4641/7641 at Georgia Tech do NOT look further into this repository to prevent any possible Honor Code violation.
The professors allow for public posting of code, but do not allow any code to be copied and reused if it were specifically written for the course anymore. The written report/analysis is not uploaded as that is an honor code violation to share.
Inside this repository is the code I wrote for the Fall 2020 offering of CS 7641
Scikit's Implementations of five supervised learning algorithms on two datasets with different ML characteristics:
- Decision Trees
- k-Nearest Neighbor
- Boosting (Adaboost)
- Neural Networks
- Support Vector Machines
Mlrose implementations of four randomized optimization algorithms on three optimization problems demonstrating the strengths of the algorithms and then using the algorithms to train the neural network from Assignment 1.
- Randomized Hill-Climbing
- Simulated Annealing
- Genetic Algorithms
- Mutual-Information-Maximizing Input Clustering (MIMIC)
Scikit's implementations of two clustering and four dimensionality reduction algorithms on the datasets from Assignment 1 and then clustering and dimensionality reduction on one of the datasets from Assignment 1 to run a neural network.
- K-means Clustering
- Expectation Maximization
Dimensionality Reduction
- Principal Component Analysis
- Independent Component Analysis
- Randomized Projection
- Locally Linear Embedding
Implementations for three Reinforcement Learning algorithms borrowed from O'Reilly and pymdptoolbox on two MDPs.
- Value Iteration
- Policy Iteration
- Q-Learning