- Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone the forked repository locally to your machine.
- Create a new branch named Feature01.
Objective: Program a Guess My Number game where the user tries to guess a randomly generated number.
- The definition of GuessStarter is in a file called, in the src directory.
- Compile and run this program.
- Modify the program to prompt the user; then use a Scanner to read a line of user input. Compile and test the program.
- Read the user input as an integer and display the result. Again, compile and test.
- Compute and display the difference between the user’s guess and the number that was generated.
Guess My Number Game:
- The game should start by printing "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100 (including both). Can you guess what it is?"
- Prompt the user to type a number.
- Display the user's guess.
- Print "The number I was thinking of is:" followed by the randomly generated number.
- Calculate and display the difference between the user’s guess and the generated number.
Random Number Generation: To choose a random number, you can use the Random class in java.util. Here’s how it works:
import java.util.Random;
public class GuessStarter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// pick a random number
Random random = new Random();
int number = random.nextInt(100) + 1;
Like the Scanner class in this chapter, Random has to be imported before we can use it. And as with Scanner, we have to use the new operator to create a Random (number generator). Then we can use the method nextInt to generate a random number. In this example, the result of nextInt(100) will be between 0 and 99, including both. Adding 1 yields a number between 1 and 100, including both.
Follow these steps for submission:
- Create a Feature01 branch of your code if you haven't already.
- Commit your working code to your local copy/Feature01 branch.
- Push it to your Remote/origin branch (i.e., GitHub: Feature01 -> origin/Feature01).
- Issue a Pull request to my instructor repo.
- Make sure to COPY the Pull request URL and submit it for the lab/assignment in Canvas.