An SDK for quickly building an express server that uses dotwallet's APIs
npm install dotwallet-express
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const DotWallet = require('dotwallet-express');
// Initialize DotWallet with your app_id and secret
const dotwallet = DotWallet('<YOUR_APP_ID>', '<YOUR_APP_SECRET>');
// Note: The last param of each call 'true' is for logging. It can be omitted if you don't want to see logs.
// Handle the authentication response.
// Optionally redirect the browser to '/restricted-page'.
app.get('/auth', async (req, res, next) => {
const result = await dotwallet.handleAuthResponse(req, res, next, '/restricted-page', true);
// Remember to store the refresh and access token in accessData
refreshToken = result.accessData.refresh_token;
// Refresh access token
const newToken = await dotwallet.refreshAccess(refreshToken);
// Handle order'/create-order', async (req, res) => {
// Save the merchant_order_sn for records or checking order status
const merchant_order_sn = req.body.merchant_order_sn;
const order_sn = await dotwallet.handleOrder(req.body, true);
// Return the order_sn to the client
res.json({ order_sn });
// Or redirect to the order confirmation page
// Handle Automatic payment order'/create-autopayment', async (req, res) => {
const orderResultData = await dotwallet.autopayment(req.body, true);
});'/save-data', async (req, res) => {
const data = req.body;
// Optionally check if dev account has hosted account active (just do this once during testing)
const getHostedData = await dotwallet.getHostedAccount('BSV', true);
console.log('==============getHostedData==============', getHostedData);
// Optionally check dev hosted account balance
const getBalanceData = await dotwallet.hostedAccountBalance('BSV', true);
console.log('==============getBalanceData==============', getBalanceData);
if (getBalanceData.confirm + getBalanceData.unconfirm < 700) throw 'developer wallet balance too low';
// Save data on chain
const saveData = await dotwallet.saveData(data, 0, true);
For more complete examples, see the examples folder in the package in the examples/simple-store/src/index.js
npm i
npm run build