Question - Testing codefix that also fixes issue #7531
Trying to implement a code fix to help writing manual mapping code.
This is my test case:
var test = @"
using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
#pragma warning disable CS1003
#pragma warning disable CS1002
interface IMessage { }
class LeftClass : IMessage { }
class RightClass { }
class Something { public LeftClass Prop { get; set; } }
static class Test {
public static void TestMethod()
var a = new RightClass();
var b = new Something {
Prop = a
#pragma warning restore CS1003
#pragma warning restore CS1002
The line Prop = a
fails because the right side is of a different type. However, since it has a known annotation, I want to propose the creation of an extension method to transform to the left type:
var fixtest = @"using System;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
#pragma warning disable CS1003
#pragma warning disable CS1002
interface IMessage
class LeftClass : IMessage
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute(""xsd"", ""4.8.3928.0"")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = """")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = """", IsNullable = false)]
class RightClass
class Something
public LeftClass Prop { get; set; }
static class Test
public static void TestMethod()
var a = new RightClass();
var b = new Something
Prop = a.ToDomain()
private static LeftClass ToDomain(this RightClass source) => throw new NotImplementedException();
#pragma warning restore CS1003
#pragma warning restore CS1002
Now, I have the code and it works. However, testing is proving difficult, since the code fix actually eliminates both diagnostics.
var expected = new[]
// /0/Test0.cs(24,33): warning WILQO001: Class initialization assignment to IMessage detected
VerifyCS.Diagnostic().WithSpan(24, 33, 24, 41),
// /0/Test0.cs(24,40): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'ConsoleApplication1.RightClass' to 'ConsoleApplication1.LeftClass'
DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS0029").WithSpan(24, 40, 24, 41).WithArguments("ConsoleApplication1.RightClass", "ConsoleApplication1.LeftClass"),
var analyzerTest = new CSharpAnalyzerTest<MessageAssignmentAnalyzer, DefaultVerifier>
TestState = { Sources = { test } }
await analyzerTest.RunAsync(); // works
var codefixTest = new CSharpCodeFixTest<MessageAssignmentAnalyzer, MessageAssignmentCodeFixProvider, DefaultVerifier>
TestState = { Sources = { test } },
FixedState = { Sources = { fixtest } },
await codefixTest.RunAsync();
If I add diagnostics to the FixedState
member it fails because it actually is returning no diagnostics; but if I leave the FixedState.Diagnostics
collection empty, the test code "helpfully" calculates 1 diagnostic expected.
Any setting that I need to change to allow for the diagnostics after the fix to be empty?
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