Stack used:
- GraphQl / Apollo Server / Apollo Client
- MongoDb
- React
- Docker
- React Testing Library / Apollo Client Testing
I removed the docker mongo dependency. The data is hosted on remote mongo cloud server. Here are the updated directions.
npm install
Change directories into apollo-server
npm run serve
This will launch apollo server. There should be a success message in the console.
You can use the apollo query tool to view results: http://localhost:4000
A few queries to try:
query {
HVACRange(startDate: "06/01/2020", endDate: "07/31/2020", type: "AC"){
The query above shows results for AC events. You can add or remove fields. For instance, you can remove hasTriggeredHeater as a result, that field will not be present in the json response. Other avialable fields should auto suggest.
Note: HVACEventsCount shows all AC events for the date range--that is why the number is high--it's activations by the hour. HVACRangeCount is the count requested in the challenge. It counts the days the HVAC was on at least once.
With apollo and mongo running, change directories into client. Run the following command to install node_modules.
npm install
After installing node_modules, run this command
npm start
The client will launch here: http://localhost:3000
I have written some code to show the dates in the UI--but it's commented out. My idea was to show the dates, and then let the user click on the date, a modal would show the HVAC details for that date (details page). I decided to focus more effort on Graphql because UI was extra. As a result, the queries and resolvers are written for the feature--but the UI is not.
More Unit Tests -- there are very few in the UI.100% unit test converage client
npm run test:cov
- Improve data seeding
CI/CD process (Would like to dockerize run the project in ngnix)Added git ci test hook and travis ci test results. Still need to add nginx.UI, including basic dateRefactoring UI - greyframe
SECURITY-- Removed the info in .env. Project will no longer work in local because the connection to the cloud db is no longer present.