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dongchen-coder committed Nov 12, 2019
1 parent 038e0ce commit c4473a2
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions test_run/precision_test/results/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

lru_result_path = './poly_trace_lru_2/'
carl_result_path = './ref_trace_osl_result/'
#carl_result_low_path = './carl_onlyRueses/'
#carl_result_upper_path = './carl_64B_result/'
#carl_result_random_path = './carl_randomLeaseAssignment/'
opt_result_path = './poly_trace_opt_mrc/'
rll_maxNumOfCLSize_path = "./poly_trace_rll_maxCLSize/"

names = ["2mm", "3mm", "adi", "atax", "bicg", "cholesky", "correlation", "covariance", "deriche", "doitgen", "durbin", "fdtd_2d", "floyd_warshall", "gemm", "gemver", "gesummv", "gramschmidt", "heat_3d", "jacobi_1d", "jacobi_2d", "lu", "ludcmp", "mvt", "nussinov", "seidel_2d", "symm", "syr2d", "syrk", "trisolv", "trmm"]

yMax = {"mvt" : 0.3, "3mm" : 0.4, "bicg" : 0.1, "gemm" : 0.5, "heat_3d" : 0.2, "trmm" : 0.8, "covariance" : 1, "durbin" : 0.2, "doitgen" : 1, "deriche" : 0.4, "symm" : 0.7, "syr2d" : 0.6, "jacobi_2d" : 0.2, "adi" : 0.3, "gramschmidt" : 1, "gesummv" : 0.1, "correlation" : 0.8, "floyd_warshall" : 0.1, "atax" : 0.1, "ludcmp" : 0.8, "seidel_2d" : 0.1, "trisolv" : 0.1, "gemver" : 0.2, "fdtd_2d" : 0.2, "2mm" : 0.5, "jacobi_1d" : 0.1, "cholesky" : 0.2, "lu" : 0.5, "syrk" : 0.1, "nussinov" : 0.4}

fontSizeSet = 20

def processLRU(path, name, cls):

lru_c = []
lru_rd = []
lru_mr = []

lru_total_rd_cnt = 0
coldMiss = 0

#content = open(path + 'lru_64B_' + name + '_mrc.txt', 'r')
content = open(path + name + "_trace_result.txt", 'r')
for line in content:
if ('Bin' in line):
lineList = line.split()
if ('to' not in line):
lru_rd.append([int(lineList[4]), int(lineList[7])])
lru_total_rd_cnt += int(lineList[7])
lru_rd.append([int(lineList[6]), int(lineList[9])])
lru_total_rd_cnt += int(lineList[9])
elif ("Total number of data blocks is" in line):
lineList = line.split()
coldMiss = int(lineList[7])

lru_total_hits = 0
for item in lru_rd:
lru_c.append(float(item[0]+1) * cls / 1024)
lru_total_hits += item[1]
lru_mr.append(1 - (float(lru_total_hits) / lru_total_rd_cnt) + float(coldMiss)/lru_total_rd_cnt)

return lru_c, lru_mr

def processCARL(path, name, cls):

carl_c = []
carl_mr = []
total_reuse = 0

content = open(path + name + '_ref_osl_trace_result.txt', 'r')
for line in content:
if ('Assign lease' in line and 'avg cache size' in line and 'miss ratio' in line):
linetmp = line.split()
carl_c.append(float(linetmp[9]) * cls / 1024)
if ('Ref' in line and 'RI' in line and 'CNT' in line):
linetmp = line.split()
total_reuse += int(linetmp[5])

return carl_c, carl_mr

def processOPT(path, name, cls):
opt_c = []
opt_mr = []

content = open(path + "opt_" + name + ".cpp.o_mrc", 'r')
for line in content:
lineList = line.split()
if (len(lineList) == 2):
if (lineList[0].isdigit()):

while(len(opt_mr) > 2):
if (opt_mr[-1] == opt_mr[-2]):
del opt_mr[-1]
del opt_c[-1]
return opt_c, opt_mr

def processMaxCLSizes(path, name, cls, cacheSizes):
maxCLSizes_rll = []
for i in range(len(cacheSizes)):
if (os.path.exists(path + name + "_lease_" + str(i) + "_rll_maxCLSize.txt")):
content = open(rll_maxNumOfCLSize_path + name + "_lease_" + str(i) + "_rll_maxCLSize.txt")
for line in content:
maxCLSizes_rll.append(float(line) * 64 / 1024)
print i,

return maxCLSizes_rll

def processMaxCappedCLSizes(path, name, cls):
maxCLSizes_capped_rll = []
missRatios_capped_rll = []
content = open(rll_cappedMaxNumOfCLSize_path + "all_capped_0_99.txt", 'r')
capped_flag = False
for line in content:
if (capped_flag):
maxCLSizes_capped_rll = eval(line)
if (name in line):
capped_flag = True

def processProg(name, cls, fig, fig_cnt):
carl_64B_c_low = []
carl_64B_mr_low = []
carl_64B_c_upper = []
carl_64B_mr_upper = []
carl_64B_c_random = []
carl_64B_mr_random = []
if (cls == 64):
carl_64B_c_low, carl_64B_mr_low = processCARL(carl_result_low_path, name, cls)
carl_64B_c_upper, carl_64B_mr_upper = processCARL(carl_result_upper_path, name, cls)
carl_64B_c_random, carl_64B_mr_random = processCARL(carl_result_random_path, name, cls)
carl_64B_c = []
carl_64B_mr = []
if (cls == 64):
carl_64B_c, carl_64B_mr = processCARL(carl_result_path, name, cls)

lru_64B_c = []
lru_64B_mr = []
if (cls == 64):
lru_64B_c, lru_64B_mr = processLRU(lru_result_path, name, cls)

opt_64B_c = []
opt_64B_mr = []
if (cls == 64):
opt_64B_c, opt_64B_mr = processOPT(opt_result_path, name, cls)

maxCLSizes_rll = []
if (cls == 64):
maxCLSizes_rll = processMaxCLSizes(rll_maxNumOfCLSize_path, name, cls, carl_64B_c);

ax = fig.add_subplot(10, 3, fig_cnt)
ax.set_title(name, fontsize = fontSizeSet, y = 0.8, x = 0.6)
ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y',style='sci',scilimits=(0,0), fontsize = fontSizeSet)

l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6 = None, None, None, None, None, None

l1 = ax.plot(lru_64B_c, lru_64B_mr, color = '#5e3c99', linewidth=2.5)[0]

#l3 = ax.plot(carl_64B_c_low, carl_64B_mr_low, color = '#b2abd2', linewidth=1.5)[0]
#l4 = ax.plot(carl_64B_c_upper, carl_64B_mr_upper, color = 'g', linewidth=1.5)[0]
#l5 = ax.plot(carl_64B_c_random, carl_64B_mr_random, color = 'b', linewidth=1.5)[0]
l3 = ax.plot(carl_64B_c, carl_64B_mr, color = '#b2abd2', linewidth=1.5)[0]

l2 = ax.plot(opt_64B_c, opt_64B_mr, color = '#e66101', linewidth=1)[0]

if (len(maxCLSizes_rll) == len(carl_64B_mr)):
l4 = ax.plot(maxCLSizes_rll, carl_64B_mr, "3" ,color = '#fdb863', linewidth=2, markersize=5, label = "RL-MAX")[0]
print "does not match", len(maxCLSizes_rll), len(carl_64B_mr)
#for index in range(len(missRatios_rll)):
# ax.plot([maxCLSizes_capped_rll[index], maxCLSizes_rll[index]], [missRatios_rll[index], missRatios_rll[index]], color='sandybrown', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-.')

if (fig_cnt == 29):
ax.set_xlabel('Cache Size for LRU / Averaged Cache Size for CARL (KB)', fontsize = fontSizeSet)
if (fig_cnt == 13):
ax.set_ylabel('Miss Ratio', fontsize = fontSizeSet)



if (fig_cnt == 1):
fig.legend([l1, l2, l3, l4], ["LRU", "OPT", "CARL", "RL-MAX"], ncol=5, mode="expand", loc = "upper center", fontsize = fontSizeSet)
#fig.legend([l5, l6], ["LRU-512B", "CARL-512B"], ncol=2, mode="expand", loc = "upper center", fontsize = fontSizeSet)
#fig.legend([l2, l5, l4, l6], ["LRU-64B", "LRU-512B", "CARL-64B", "CARL-512B"], ncol=4, mode="expand", loc = "upper center", fontsize = fontSizeSet)

fig_cnt += 1
return fig, fig_cnt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 30))
fig_cnt = 1

cls = 64
for name in names:
fig, fig_cnt = processProg(name, cls, fig, fig_cnt)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right = 0.98, top = 0.96, bottom = 0.04)

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