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This is a mobile application I built for studying purposes, using React-Native (v0.60.5).

Application has two screens: one for user login and one for chat. Application is kind of dummy, login functionality for example simply uses a user name, there is no password control. Chat functionality is also very simple for now, there is no persistence on that side and it uses a ready made json blob for initial data. Even though, I think the application is a good example and study piece because:

  1. It contains a simple user authentication/session system by storing unique device ids on Firebase.
  2. It contains examples of component level and global (through Redux architecture) state. Also asynchronous actions with help of Redux middleware redux-thunk.
  3. There are also use cases of some general React-Native components such as View, Text, Image, Flatlist .etc and also some advanced ones such as LinearGradient.
  4. Written entirely using React Hooks.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


If you want to set up a development environment for the project , you need these:

brew install node@10.16.3  
brew install watchman@4.9.0  
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk  
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8  

Note: Especially for Node, I strongly recommend usage of a Node version management tool such as NVM or n.


You should have a Firebase project already set up. You can look at the .env.example file to how to set a .env file. After creating .env file with your Firebase credentials, to set up a development environment running

git clone  
cd messagingApp  
# Install project dependencies
npm install  

For iOS

cd ios   

# Install native dependiences through CocoaPods  
pod install  
# Start metro bundler  
npm run start:bundler  
# Build project for iOS  
npm run start:ios  

For Android

After setting up project on Android Studio and syncing with Gradle files, you need to register a simulator device. Open your simulator, then:

# Start metro bundler  
npm run start:bundler  
# Build project for Android  
npm run start:android  

Linting & Formatting

The project uses current community favorites such as ESLint and Prettier. I use Intellij IDEA as my IDE and there are appropriate plugins for these tools. All known and respected IDEs and editors have that kind of tools, so I recommend installing them before development.

Known Caveats & Improvements

  • React-Native version used in this project has some issues. To bypass them I used patch-package to patch a file inside that library. This patching process runs at npm postinstall step and it is automatic.

  • Project uses react-native-dotenv library for supporting .env file usage for environment variables. I used this for Firebase configuration variables.

  • I chose to manipulate users' id fields in the initial json blob data. I did this manipulation because there is this case in Chat screen where user's own messages should be rendered at right hand side of the screen. So there is a need for some kind of data to choose which messages should be rendered at where. I use unique Firebase Firestore ids which are generated by Firebase as user ids in my application and these are in String type. The project also uses PropTypes, so there is this issue of number-string problem. To bypass this, after fetching initial json data I convert Number type ids to String type.




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.