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About David Neto

  • I work on GPU language standards, compilers, and related tooling.
  • I'm on the Chrome team at Google since 2014.
  • Between 2000 and 2014, I worked at Altera on FPGA architecture and CAD. From 2010-2014 I worked on OpenCL for Altera FPGAs.
  • I am an editor of the W3C's WebGPU Shading Language (WGSL) specification
  • I have contributed to Khronos Group standards, particularly:
    • OpenCL (when I was at Altera)
    • SPIR the original LLVM-based one, when I still worked at Altera.
    • SPIR-V, the one used by Vulkan and more recent OpenCL versions.
    • Vulkan, mainly shader-related things, and the Vulkan Memory Model
  • I have contributed to:
    • SPIRV-Tools: low level SPIR-V utilities: assembler, disassemler, parser, validator, optimizer
    • Clspv: Prototype OpenCL C to Vulkan SPIR-V compiler
    • DXC's Vulkan SPIR-V backend
      Team lead and mentorI said we should do it, could do it, staffed it, and said it should completely avoid using LLVM IR. Also, I wrote the effcee testing harness so we could write FileCheck-like tests that ran very fast in googletest.
    • Amber: A text-based shader test framework
    • Effcee: A library clone of LLVM's FileCheck, basically. For fast in-process testing such as in googletest.
    • Tint: A compiler for WGSL. (My contribution is particiularly the SPIR-V to WGSL conversion.)
  • I've been a vim user since 1994.
  • I completed a Computer Science PhD at the University of Toronto in 1999, under the supervision of Prof. Derek Corneil: Efficient Cluster Compensation for Lin-Kernighan Heuristics, PDF
  • I tend to overuse parenthesized sentences.
  • Find me at:


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