An implementation of Variational LDA. See the related blogger blogpost for the details of how the formulas were derived. But in a nutshell.
Sorry for the LaTeX jargon! I wish github could render the formulas. To produce a PDF version of this file, try this command:
pandoc -t latex -o README.pdf
- For k = 1 .. K:
- For m = 1..M:
- For n = 1 .. N_m:
- $w_{mn} \sim \hbox{Multinomial}V(\sum{i=1}^KZ_{mni}\varphi_i)$
- For m=1..M, n=1..N, k=1..K
- Repeat
- For k=1..K, v=1..V
- For m=1..M, k=1..K
- For m=1..M, n=1..N, k=1..K
- For k=1..K, v=1..V