- Florianópolis, SC, Brasil
- www.johnathan.com.br
Docker image that provides static analysis tools for PHP
FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP. F from FPDF stands for Free: you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.
Open Source Platform for developing, scaling and deploying serious ML, AI, and data science systems
Estações de capturas de meteoros em Florianópolis/SC
Curso de Data Science em Português
A skeleton to start new high-quality PHP projects without worrying about bootstrapping everything from scratch.
Criação de Portfólio Para Data Science
A curated list of awesome advertising content, resources and libraries.
A collection of important graph embedding, classification and representation learning papers with implementations.
Captura os dados de sócios das empresas brasileiras na Receita Federal e exporta para um formato legível por humanos
A library for prototyping realtime hand detection (bounding box), directly in the browser.
Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning.
Estudo e implementação dos principais algoritmos de Machine Learning em Jupyter Notebooks.
Biblioteca para geração de Etiquetas PIMACO
JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
An object oriented PHP driver for FFMpeg binary
The most featured Geocoder library written in PHP.
PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.
JavaScript library to encrypt/decrypt data in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) format and to sign/verify data in JSON Web Signature (JWS) format. Leverages Browser's native WebCrypto API.
A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots