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JavaScript object query engine

STATUS: Jora is still very much work in progress. Syntax may change in next releases.


  • Tolerant to data stucture queries (e.g. just returns nothing for paths that not reachable)
  • Compact syntax for common tasks
  • Aggregate values across arrays and eliminate duplicates by default
  • Stat collecting mode (powers suggestions)
  • Tolerant parsing mode (useful to provide suggestions for query in an editor)
  • Extensible DSL on query build by custom method list

Related projects:


  • AST
  • Immutable paths hoisting (reduce computations -> performance)
  • Smart computation caching across queries
  • Query parts performance stat
  • Query transforming, e.g. query merge, subquery to a query, context inlining
  • Method namespaces, e.g. semver, path, math etc
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Prettifier
  • Move jison to dev dependencies
  • Debugging (step by step evaluation)
  • Input data shape prediction suitable for a query (based on touching paths)

More ideas and thoughts: Jora todo gist, Jora ToDo on Discovery.js projects state overview

Table of content:


npm install jora

In node.js

const jora = require('jora');

For a browser unminified (dist/jora.js) and minified (dist/jora.min.js) builds are available:

<script src="node_modules/jora/dist/jora.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/jora/dist/jora.min.js"></script>
<!-- or use one of CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


const jora = require('jora');

// create a query
const query = jora('');
// or with custom methods
const queryWithCustomMethods = jora.setup({
    myMethod(current) { /* do something and return a new value */ }

// perform a query
const result = query(data, context);
const result = queryWithCustomMethods('foo.myMethod()')(data, context);


  • methods

    Type: Object
    Default: undefined

    Additional methods for using in query passed as an object, where a key is a method name and a value is a function to perform an action. It can override build-in methods.

  • debug

    Type: Boolean or function(name, value)
    Default: false

    Enables debug output. When set a function, this function will recieve a section name and its value.

  • tolerant

    Type: Boolean
    Default: false

    Enables tolerant parsing mode. This mode supresses parsing errors when possible.

  • stat

    Type: Boolean
    Default: false

    Enables stat mode. When mode is enabled a query stat interface is returning instead of resulting data.

Quick demo

Get npm dependency paths (as a tree) that have packages with more than one version:

const jora = require('jora');

function printTree() {
    // see implementation in examples/npm-ls.js

require('child_process').exec('npm ls --json', (error, stdout) => {
    if (error) {

    const npmTree = JSON.parse(stdout);
    const tree = JSON.parse(stdout);
    const depsPathsToMultipleVersionPackages = jora(`
        $normalizedDeps: => dependencies.entries().({ name: key, ...value });
            .group(=>name, =>version)
            .({ name: key, versions: value.sort() })
            .[versions.size() > 1];

        $pathToMultiVersionPackages: => .($name; {
            otherVersions: $multiVersionPackages[=>name=$name].versions - version,
            dependencies: $normalizedDeps()
                .[name in $ or dependencies]



Example of output:

├─ browserify@16.2.2
│  ├─ assert@1.4.1
│  │  └─ util@0.10.3 [other versions: 0.10.4]
│  │     └─ inherits@2.0.1 [other versions: 2.0.3]
│  ├─ browser-pack@6.1.0
│  │  └─ combine-source-map@0.8.0
│  │     ├─ source-map@0.5.7 [other versions: 0.6.1, 0.4.4, 0.2.0, 0.1.43]
│  │     └─ inline-source-map@0.6.2
│  │        └─ source-map@0.5.7 [other versions: 0.6.1, 0.4.4, 0.2.0, 0.1.43]
│  ├─ browser-resolve@1.11.3
│  │  └─ resolve@1.1.7 [other versions: 1.8.1]
│  ├─ concat-stream@1.6.2
│  │  └─ inherits@2.0.3 [other versions: 2.0.1]



// single-line comment
/* multi-line
comment */


Jora Description
Hexadecimal numbers
`template line1
template line2`
`template ${hello} ${world}`
A JavaScript regexp, only i flag supported
{ } Object initializer/literal syntax. Spread operator (...) can be used, e.g. { a: 1, ..., } (... with no expression on right side the same as ...$)
[ ] Array initializer/literal syntax. Spread operator (...) can be used, e.g. [1, ...,] (... with no expression on right side the same as ...$). Unlike JavaScript, spread operator in jora inlines arrays only and left as is any other values, i.e. [...[1, 2], ...3, ..."45", { "6": 7 }] -> [1, 2, 3, "45", { "6": 7 }]
=> e
< block > (deprecated)
A function
NOTE: Syntax < block > is deprecated, avoid to use it
query asc
query desc
query asc, query desc, ...
A sorting function that takes two arguments and compare query result for each in specified order (asc – ascending, desc – descending)
query ascN
query descN
The same as asc/desc but natural sorting
query ascA
query descA
The same as asc/desc but reverse order for numbers
query ascAN
query descAN
The same as asc/desc but natural sorting and reverse order for numbers


Following keywords can be used with the same meaning as in JavaScript:

  • true
  • false
  • null
  • undefined
  • Infinity
  • NaN


Jora Description
x + y Add
In case one of the operands is an array it produces new array with elements from `x` and `y` excluding duplicates
x - y Subtract
In case one of the operands is an array with elements from `x` excluding elements from `y`
x * y Multiply
x / y Divide
x % y Modulo


Jora Description
x = y Equals (as === in JS)
x != y Not equals (as !== in JS)
x < y Less than
x <= y Less than or equal to
x > y Greater than
x >= y Greater than or equal to
x ~= y Match operator, behaviour depends on y type:
RegExp – test against regexp
function – test like filter()
null or undefined – always truthy
anything else – always falsy

Boolean logic

Jora Description
( x ) Explicity operator precedence. Definitions are allowed (i.e. ($a: 1; $a + $a) see bellow)
x or y Boolean or.
Equivalent to || in JS, but x tests with bool() method
x and y Boolean and.
Equivalent to && in JS, but x tests with bool() method
not x
no x
Boolean not.
Equivalent to && in JS, but x tests with bool() method
x ? y : z If x is truthy than return y else return z. x tests with bool() method
x in [a, b, c]
[a, b, c] has x
Equivalent to x = a or x = b or x = c
x not in [a, b, c]
[a, b, c] has no x
Equivalent to x != a and x != b and x != c

Block & definitions

Some constructions suppose to use a block, which may consists of a variable definition list (should comes first) and an expression. Both are optional. When an expression is empty, a current value (i.e. $) returns.

The syntax of definition (white spaces between any part are optional):

$ident ;
$ident : expression ;

For example:

$foo:123;          // Define `$foo` variable
$bar;              // The same as `$bar:$.bar;` or `$a: bar;`
$baz: $foo + $bar; // Definitions may be used in following expressions

In terms of JavaScript, a block creates a new scope. Once a variable is defined, its value never change. Variables can be redefined in nested scopes, but can't be duplicated in the same scope - it causes to error.

Special references

Jora Description
$ A scope input data (current value). On top level scope it's the same as @. In most cases it may be omitted. Used implicitly an input for subquery when no other subjects is defined (e.g. foo() and .foo() are equivalent for $.foo()).
$$ A reference to the second parameter of closest function or undefined when no such
@ A query input data
# A query context

Since Jora's query performs as query(data, context), in terms of Jora it looks like query(@, #).

Path chaining

jora Description
ident The same as $.ident
.ident Child member operator (example:,['use any symbols for name'])
..( block )
Recursive descendant operator (example: ..deps, ..(deps + dependants))
.[ block ] Filter a current data. Equivalent to a .filter(<block>)
.( block ) Map a current data. Equivalent to a .map(<block>)
Invoke a method to current value, where $method is a reference to definition value (i.e. $example: => $ * 10; 2.$plural(["example", "examples"])). Can take arguments (i.e. $method(one, 2)).
Invoke a method to current value. See build-in methods below
path[expr] Array-like notation to access properties. Behaves like pick() method. In case you need to fetch a value to each element of array use .($[expr]) or map(=>$[expr])
Slice notation. Examples: $str: '<foo>'; str[1:-1] (result is 'foo') or $ar:[1,2,3,4,5,6]; $ar[-3::-1] (result is [6,5,4])
expr | [definitions] expr | ... Pipeline operator. It's useful to make a query value as current value. Approximately this effect can be obtained using variables: $ar: [1,2,3]; { size: $ar.size(), top2: $ar[0:2] }. However, with pipeline operator it's a bit simplier and clear: `[1,2,3]

Build-in methods

jora Description
bool() The same as Boolean() in JS, with exception that empty arrays and objects with no keys treats as falsy
keys() The same as Object.keys() in JS
values() The same as Object.values() in JS
entries() Similar to Object.entries() in JS with a difference: { key, value } objects is using for entries instead of array tuples
fromEntries() Similar to Object.fromEntries() in JS with difference: { key, value } objects are expecting as entries instead of array tuples
Get a value by a key, an index or a function. It returns an element with e index for arrays, a char with e index for strings, and a value with e key (must be own key) for enything else. Negative indecies are supported for arrays and strings. Current value is element for an array, a char for a string or an entry value for object. Arg1 (i.e. $$) is an index for arrays and strings, and a key for objects.
size() Returns count of keys if current data is object, otherwise returns length value or 0 when field is absent
sort(<fn>) Sort an array by a value fetched with getter (<fn>). Keep in mind, you can use sorting function definition syntax using asc and desc keywords, qhich is more effective in many ways. In case of sorting function definition usage, < and > are not needed and you can specify sorting order for each component. Following queries are equivalents:
sort(<>) and sort( asc)
sort(<foo>).reverse() and sort(foo desc)
sort(<[a, b]>) and sort(a asc, b asc)
reverse() Reverse order of items
group(<fn>[, <fn>]) Group an array items by a value fetched with first getter.
filter(<fn>) The same as Array#filter() in JS
map(<fn>) The same as Array#map() in JS
split(pattern) The same as String#split() in JS. pattern may be a string or regexp
join(separator) The same as Array#join() in JS. When separator is undefined then "," is using
slice(from, to) The same as Array#slice() or String#slice() in JS
match(pattern, matchAll) Similar to String#match(). Since regexp'es in jora doesn't support for g flag, use matchAll argument to get all matches, i.e. 'abcabc'.match(/ab/, true) (jora) instead of 'abcabc'.match(/ab/g) (JS)
reduce(fn[, initValue]) The same as Array#reduce() in JS. Use $$ to access to accumulator and $ to current value, e.g. find the max value reduce(=>$ > $$ ? $ : $$)
