ip2region - 是一个离线IP地址定位库和IP定位数据管理框架,10微秒级别的查询效率,提供了众多主流编程语言的 xdb 数据生成和查询客户端实现。 Ip2regionEx - 是ip2region v1.0 elixir语言客户端。使用 poolboy进程池,适用于高并发场景。
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ip2region_ex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [:ip2region_ex]]
def deps do
{:ip2region_ex, github: "wang-qt/ip2region_ex"},
Add the path of the ip2region database to your project's configuration:
use Mix.Config
ip2region_db = [ __DIR__, "../priv/data/ip2region.db" ] |> Path.join() |> Path.expand()
config :ip2region_ex,
database: ip2region_db,
pool: [ size: 5, max_overflow: 10 ]
iex(1)> Ip2regionEx.lookup("")
city_id: 166,
content: "美国|0|0|0|Level3",
eip: {8, 8, 8, 255},
ip: {8, 8, 8, 8},
sip: {8, 8, 8, 0}
iex(1)> Ip2regionEx.lookup ""
city_id: 995,
content: "中国|0|上海|上海市|鹏博士",
eip: {211, 161, 255, 255},
ip: {211, 161, 240, 90},
sip: {211, 161, 236, 0}
iex(1)> :timer.tc(fn -> Ip2regionEx.lookup("") end )
{150, %{ ... }}
iex(2)> :timer.tc(fn -> Ip2regionEx.lookup("") end )
{152, %{ ... }}