This example will show you how to use Terraform to enable the Alexa permission on a lambda function.
This example codifies this guide, which does the following:
- Creates an IAM role and role policy for your Lambda which enables logging.
- Creates the Amazon Skills Kit
lambda - Adds the Alexa permission to the lambda.
Once the lambda is created with Terraform you can head over to the Amazon Developer Portal to register an Alexa Skill which will use the provided Sample Interaction Model for the Color Expert Blueprint and the ARN of the lambda (which is a Terraform output of this example).
From inside of this directory:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<this is a secret>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<this is a secret>
terraform init
terraform plan -out theplan
terraform apply theplan
terraform destroy
Go to the console and remove the CloudWatch Log Group /aws/lambda/terraform_lambda_alexa_example
which is created by AWS.