A repository to share extended Kubeflow examples and tutorials to demonstrate machine learning concepts, data science workflows, and Kubeflow deployments. They illustrate the happy path, acting as a starting point for new users and a reference guide for experienced users.
This repository is home to three types of examples:
Author: Hamel Husain
This example covers the following concepts:
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Keras and Tensorflow
- Connecting to Jupyterhub
- Shared persistent storage
- Training a Tensorflow model
- Serving with Seldon Core
- Flask front-end
Author: David Sabater
This example covers the following concepts:
- Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) training with Pytorch on CPU and GPU
- Shared persistent storage
- Training a Pytorch model
- Serving with Seldon Core
- Flask front-end
Author: Elson Rodriguez
This example covers the following concepts:
- Image recognition of handwritten digits
- S3 storage
- Training automation with Argo
- Monitoring with Argo UI and Tensorboard
- Serving with Tensorflow
Author: Daniel Castellanos
This example covers the following concepts:
- Gathering and preparing the data for model training using K8s jobs
- Using Kubeflow tf-job and tf-operator to launch a distributed object training job
- Serving the model through Kubeflow's tf-serving
Author: Sven Degroote
This example covers the following concepts:
- Deploying Kubeflow to a GKE cluster
- Exploration via JupyterHub (prospect data, preprocess data, develop ML model)
- Training several tensorflow models at scale with TF-jobs
- Deploy and serve with TF-serving
- Iterate training and serving
- Training on GPU
Author: Puneith Kaul
This example covers the following concepts:
- Training an XGBoost model
- Shared persistent storage
- GCS and GKE
- Serving with Seldon Core
Source | Example | Description |
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