* OpenGL setting value 'blend' was never reflected in preferences dialog
* Booked ATC dialog set wrong date and did not show booked stations
* ignore wind data that contains only 0's
* prevent access to non-initialized wind stations
* when zooming through right or left double click, the cursor is moved to the
map position on which the zoom in/out was just initiated
* wind arrows have a darker background for readability
* the popup window at program start (aka 'Launcher') won't wait until Whazzup- or
wind data is fully downloaded but load the map right away
* weather data download shows a progressbar - we will need to integrate the UI for
simultaneous downloads better, though
* this changelog is now accessible from the menu
* wind arrows UI: changed appeareance for better readability and anti-aliasing
* less points drawn during a great-circle route plot (only each 400NM now, was 30NM)
* for developpers: version number and Subversion revision get set from the profile
file To get the auto-updated revision right, change the version,
check in changes to SVN, then create the release
* for developpers: MainWindow is now called Window for consistency