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Express CRUDify Mongoose

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Like express-restify-mongoose but with way less ambition.

Produces a simple CRUD interface.

Dependencies / tools

  • Babel
  • ..


npm install express-crudify-mongoose --save
const UserSchema = new Schema({
    name : {type: String, required: true},
    email: {type: String, required: true},
    admin: {type: Boolean, default: false, required: true},

const Users = db.model('user', UserSchema);
const readonly = ['admin'];

const crud = crudify({
    Model: Users,

server.use('/users', crud);


  • GET /users
  • POST /users
  • GET /users:_id
  • PATCH /users/:_id
  • DELETE /users/:_id



GET /users?name=Alex

Select all users with where name Alex.

The query gets forwarded straight to MongoDB, so it's possible to write queries like /posts?date[$gt]=2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z to get all posts dated after 2016.

⚠️ If you're making a public-facing API, you might want to use preBuildQuery middleware to validate the params used.

Selecting partial outputs

GET /users?$select=name,email
GET /users/:id?$select=name,email

Only output name & email.


GET /users?$limit=10
GET /users?$limit=10&skip=10


Middlewares can be async by being ES7 async functions or functions returning promises.

If you pass in an array of functions, they'll be executed sequentially.


Useful for custom validation, that you'd only want to run when change is done through API request and can therefore simply not be done by Mongoose's .pre('save', fn).

const readonly = ['admin'];
const Users = db.model('user', UserSchema);

const preSave = async (user) => {
	if (user.admin) {
		let err = new Error("Can't change admin users through API");
		err.statusCode = 400;

		throw err;
	let err = new Error('Validation failed');
	const newData = data;
	// return the newData that you want in the output
	return newData;

const crud = crudify({
    Model: Users,
    preSave, // preSave: [preSave, ..] is also supported


preOutput functions will receive an object with properties data and req.

  • req is the current
  • data is the data that is currently set to be output to client.

Note that preOutput is run the same for all endpoints, so sometimes data is an array and sometimes it's a singular item.

const Users = db.model('user', UserSchema);

const preOutput = async (data) => {
	const newData = data;
	// return the newData that you want in the output
	return newData;

const crud = crudify({
    Model: Users,
    preOutput, // preOutput: [preOutput, ..] is also supported


  1. Clone project
  • make setup
  • make run

You can run example project with make example-babel

Git Commit Messages

Based on atom & dannyfritz/commit-message-emoji.

  • Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")

  • Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")

  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less

  • Reference issues and pull requests liberally

  • Start the commit message with an applicable emoji:

    Commit Type Emoji
    Initial Commit 🎉 :tada:
    Version Tag 🔖 :bookmark:
    New Feature :sparkles:
    Bugfix 🐛 :bug:
    Metadata 📇 :card_index:
    Documentation 📚 :books:
    Performance 🐎 :racehorse:
    Cosmetic/refactor 🎨 :art:
    Lint fixes 👕 :shirt:
    Tests :white_check_mark:
    Removing files 🔥 :fire:
    Security 🔒 :lock:
    Upgrade deps ⬆️ :arrow_up:
    Downgrade deps ⬇️ :arrow_down:
    General Update :zap:
    Adding to debt 😷 :mask:
    Other Be creative



Run project:

make run



