- not tested code
- no error at my project(not use example)
#include "THCCommand.h"
using namespace ThreadCommand;
//THCCommand have retain count likely objective - c
class UserCommand : public THCCommand {
virtual bool Init(void* _ptr) {
std::cout << "Init " << pthread_self() << "\n";
//if return false recall
//if return true dont call this function again
return true;
virtual bool Run(void* _ptr) {
std::cout << "Run " << pthread_self() << "\n";
//if return false recall
//if return true dont call this function again
//first call raise at Init function return true
return true;
virtual bool Clean(void* _ptr) {
std::cout << "Clean " << pthread_self() << "\n";
//if return false recall
//if return true dont call this function again, destruct class
//first call raise at Run function return true
return true;
class UserEvent : public THCEvent {
UserEvent() {
//thread_id, priority, ...
//if you want thread count, more regist category with another thread_id
THCManager::Share()->SetCategory("thread_id", 0.1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
virtual ~UserEvent() {
//if destruct, delete registed command
//tag is command user id
virtual void CompleteCommand(std::string _category, std::string _tag, THCCommand* _command) {
UserCommand* _user_command = (UserCommand*)_command;
//raise at main thread
std::cout << "CompleteCommand " << pthread_self() << "\n";
//run in main thread please
void test(void) {
UserEvent event;
//regist command with thread_id
//user_command is tag about command
event.Run("thread_id", "user_command", new UserCommand());
while(true) {
//CompleteCommand function caller
std::cout << "main loop " << pthread_self() << "\n";
- one thread is one category
- able to one THCEvent controll many thread
- thread(category) is just thread, THCCommand is queue
- THCManager::Share()->Update() is callback(raise at THCCommand Clean, destruct)