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Documentation for scikit-learn

This section contains the full manual and web page as displayed in To generate the full web page, including
the example gallery (this might take a while):

    make html

Or, if you'd rather not build the example gallery:

    make html-noplot

That should create all the doc in directory _build/html

To build the PDF manual, run

    make latexpdf

Upload the generated doc to sourceforge

First off, generate HTML documentation::

    make html

This should create a directory _build/html/stable with the documentation in
html format.

Next, make sure you have the PNG optimizer OptiPNG installed.
The PNG files generated by Matplotlib tend to be ~20% too big, and they're
costing us bandwidth. Then issue::

    make optipng

This may take some time. If you have a big machine at your disposal,
check the ``Makefile``; it has a hint on how to speed up this target.

Now can upload the generated HTML documentation using scp or some other SFTP

    * Project web Hostname:
    * Path: htdocs/
    * Username: Combine your Username with your
      project UNIX name using a comma ( "," ); see below
    * Password: Your Password

An example session might look like the following for Username "jsmith"
uploading a file for this project, using rsync with the right switch for the

[jsmith@linux ~]$ rsync -rltvz --delete _build/html/stable/ \
> jsmith, -essh
Connecting to
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 68:b3:26:02:a0:07:e4:78:d4:ec:7f:2f:6a:4d:32:c5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
jsmith,'s password:
sending incremental file list

Development documentation automated build

A Rackspace cloud server named 'docbuilder' is continuously building the master branch
to update the tree of the website.

The configuration of this server is managed at: