This package holds the contracts backing DeSci Nodes and the dPID protocol.
Note: all of the steps below are performed automatically as part of the local development cluster setup in the monorepo root,
In the main docker compose dev cluster we use Ganache, and some deployment scripts may assume keys and addresses based off those assumptions.
Ethereum node: http://localhost:8545
npx hardhat run scripts/deployResearchObject.js --network ganache
## upgrading
npx hardhat run scripts/upgradeResearchObject.js --network ganache
Contract addresses are stored in .openzeppelin/unknown-CHAINID.json
(or mainnet.json
for known chains)
ABIs are stored in artifacts/ResearchObject.sol/ResearchObject.json
# ensure logged into AWS using aws-cli
yarn docker:build
yarn docker:push
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat flatten
To compile contracts and generate typechain outputs, run the build
npm run build
You should see TypeScript support for the contracts (i.e. ResearchObject & dPID Registry) for Hardhat Tests and anywhere the contract is called (desci-dapp, desci-server, contract tests) To support IDE autocompletion of smart contract calls from TypeScript we use TypeChain to generate types These types are shipped to desci-contracts/typechain-types as specified in hardhat.config.ts.
Because the local deployment files are only present locally, building the npm package is done with a separate command:
npm run makePackage
# Perform DPID migration to LOCALHOST (ganache)
npx hardhat run scripts/migrateToNewContract.js --network ganache
# Deploy to SEPOLIA. Ensure PRIVATE_KEY is set with wallet containing enough sepolia eth
npx hardhat run scripts/migrateToNewContract.js --network sepoliaDev