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DeSci Labs smart contract suite

This package holds the contracts backing DeSci Nodes and the dPID protocol.

Running Locally

Note: all of the steps below are performed automatically as part of the local development cluster setup in the monorepo root,

Step 1: Start local chain

In the main docker compose dev cluster we use Ganache, and some deployment scripts may assume keys and addresses based off those assumptions.

Ethereum node: http://localhost:8545

Step 2: Deploy new version of contracts locally

npx hardhat run scripts/deployResearchObject.js --network ganache

## upgrading

npx hardhat run scripts/upgradeResearchObject.js --network ganache

Contract addresses are stored in .openzeppelin/unknown-CHAINID.json (or mainnet.json for known chains) ABIs are stored in artifacts/ResearchObject.sol/ResearchObject.json.

Step 3 (Optional): Deploy to staging (running our own private test chain)

# ensure logged into AWS using aws-cli
yarn docker:build
yarn docker:push

Tip: run tests

npx hardhat test

Tip: flatten for remix dev

npx hardhat flatten

TypeScript / TypeChain

To compile contracts and generate typechain outputs, run the build script:

npm run build

You should see TypeScript support for the contracts (i.e. ResearchObject & dPID Registry) for Hardhat Tests and anywhere the contract is called (desci-dapp, desci-server, contract tests) To support IDE autocompletion of smart contract calls from TypeScript we use TypeChain to generate types These types are shipped to desci-contracts/typechain-types as specified in hardhat.config.ts.

Because the local deployment files are only present locally, building the npm package is done with a separate command:

npm run makePackage

Migrating from goerli to local and sepolia

# Perform DPID migration to LOCALHOST (ganache)
npx hardhat run scripts/migrateToNewContract.js --network ganache

# Deploy to SEPOLIA. Ensure PRIVATE_KEY is set with wallet containing enough sepolia eth
npx hardhat run scripts/migrateToNewContract.js --network sepoliaDev