Graphlib is a JavaScript library that provides an implementation of a directed multi-graph. This library is used as part of the dagre library, but is available here in a light-weight, standalone form.
Before building this library you need to install the npm package manager.
To get graphlib from npm, use:
$ npm install graphlib
var Graph = require("graphlib").Graph;
// Create a new empty graph
var g = new Graph();
// Add node "A" to the graph with no value
// This returns true
// Add node "B" to the graph with a String value
g.addNode("B", "B's value");
// Prints `B's value`
// Add node "C" to the graph with an Object value
g.addNode("C", { k: 123 });
// Prints `[ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ]`
// Add a directed edge with the ID "AB" from "A" to "B", but assign no value
g.addEdge("AB", "A", "B");
// Add a directed edge with no ID (Graph will assign one) from "B" to "C"
g.addEdge(null, "B", "C");
// Add a directed edge from "C" to "D" with an Object value
g.addEdge("CD", "C", "D", { k: 456 });
// Since Graph is a multi-graph, we can have multiple edges incident on the
// same source and target nodes.
g.addEdge("AB2", "A", "B");
// Prints `[ 'AB', '_ANON-1', 'CD', 'AB2' ]`. `_ANON-1` is the edge from "B" to "C"
// Which edges go from "A" to "B"? This prints `[ 'AB', 'AB2' ]`
console.log(g.edges("A", "B"));
// Which edges are incident on "D"? This prints `[ 'CD' ]`
// How about a subgraph?
var g2 = g.subgraph(["A", "B", "C"]);
// Prints `[ 'A', 'B', 'C' ]`
// Prints `[ 'AB', '_ANON-1', 'AB2' ]`. Note that edges that have both their
// source and target nodes in the graph are also included in the subgraph.
Graphlib is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.