Embed highlights from Kobo device in Calibre book, and wise-versa. Tested on the books converted using calibre-kobo-driver. Books converted using a different tool will most probably not work.
The plugin will:
- import your highlights from the Kobo device DB
- try to match the highlights with books from your Calibre library
- insert highlights into the Calibre database so that you can further edit them using a fantastic Calibre book viewer
- and the same the other way around
Check the releases section, and download the latest Kobo2Calibre.zip
. Install it as any other Calibre plugin. Make sure to add the plugin to toolbar when a device is connected
You can use poetry install
to install all the dependencies:
poetry update && poetry install
Warning: this script is in the alpha stage; please back up your Calibre library before using it!
poetry run python kobo2calibre.py {PATH_TO_KOBO_DEVICE} {PATH_TO_CALIBRE_LIBRARY}
For the complete list of arguments run:
poetry run python kobo2calibre.py --help