Obsidian web clipper bookmarklet rebuilt as chrome extension.
This extention is just a repackaging of amazing work from @kepano so all credits to him. This is born out of my necessity as I use Arc and it does not support Bookmarklet.
- Extention works but you get "unexpected export ..." for readability.js and turndown_service.js last line of code. I dont know JS much and could not solve it. But Hey it works! Send a pull request if anyone can fix it. Thanks!
Steps to use
- git pull
- goto Chrome/Chromium -> Extentions -> enable "developer mode"
- drop /chrome extention to Extentions page
- Volla!
Things still remaining to do
- publish as extention on Chrome store
- create a Firefox and maybe Safari extention
Feature I wish to add
- when clipping same webpage next time, instead of new note, append the clipping to old note with metadate (as section with date added?)
- maybe a page for extention to configure things (but will prefer simplicity)