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Improve the functionality for merging proposals #13699




Is your feature request related to a problem?

As an admin, I can currently merge and split proposals within a participation space, but the current behavior has several limitations. Currently:

  • It is currently limited to official proposals.
  • It is possible to merge/split proposals within the same component or another in the same space.
  • Proposals being merged/split must not have received votes or likes.
  • When merging two proposals within the same component, the system deletes the first selected proposal and retains the second one.
  • There is no admin log of these actions.
  • There is no version control for these actions.
  • There is no traceability of the original proposals if merged/split within the same component.
  • When applying a merge or split, the date is not updated.

Describe the solution you'd like

As an admin, I would like this functionality to allow me to:

  • Merge any proposal regardless of its origin (official, participant, group, meeting), as long as it has not received votes.
  • Proposals that are merged incorporate official co-authorship regardless of its original authorship (e.g. 2 proposals from participants).
  • Log these actions in the admin log (and in the future in a public log).
  • When merging within the same component, convert the original proposals into withdrawn proposals, including their comments and/or likes, and display them in the [History tab](Implement "history" for related components #13067) of the new proposal.
  • Notify the authors with an option to accept or reject the invitation to appear as co-authors.

Describe alternatives you've considered

We had thought of applying the same behavior to split proposals, but considering that it does not make sense to do this action in bulk, for the moment we do not modify it and in the future we will consider incorporating the individual action of duplicating a proposal.

Mockups / Prototype

Include screenshots or links to the prototype.

Does this issue affect users' private data?


Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I'm an admin, when I attempt to merge proposals from any origin (official, participant, group, meeting) into the same component or another, then the merge is successful as long as no votes have been cast on them.
  • Given I'm an admin, when I merge proposals from participants, meetings, groups or a combination, then the official authorship is added along with the rest of co-authors.
  • Given I'm an admin, when I merge proposals, then the action is recorded in the admin log.
  • Given multiple proposals are merged in the same component, when I view the History tab of the resulting proposal, then the original proposals appear as withdrawn and are linked to the new proposal.
  • Given multiple proposals are merged in another component, when I view the History tab of the resulting proposal, then the original proposals appear linked to the new proposal (current behaviour).
  • Given I'm the author of a proposal, when my proposal is merged with another, then I receive a notification with the option to accept or reject being listed as a co-author.
  • Given multiple proposals are merged, when the action is completed, then the resulting proposal's date is updated correctly.


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contract: 2024-developmentsBarcelona City Council contracttype: changePRs that implement a change for an existing feature


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