A Drag-and-drop json builder for nunaliit project. This project can be easily extended to accommodate any project, which requires a GUI profile building tool.
It's hosted on github pages here.
The project uses Backbone.js, Underscore.js, bootstrap.js, Requirejs, etc.
For development & debugging using the
Once done, change it back to build for production using the r.js.
The full command is
r.js -o assets/js/lib/build.js
which should be run from the base directory. -
Then the program is deployed at
- In the js/data/ folder there is n2attributes.yaml files, each of which corresponds to a schema attribute in the schema builder.
- If you just want to add a new element you need to:
- describe it in one of these files
- parse the yaml to json using parse.rb in the same folder
- create a corresponding template in the [templates/snippet directory]
- add the template to [snippet-templates.js]
- If you want to add a new tab, you'll also need to adjust the [app.js file] to make sure the tab is loaded.