Hi there, I'm Ramsey the founding steward of Decentration. We're on a mission to build decentralised organisms, which encompasses building various paradigm technologies from first principles.
- The new JAM protocol client.
designing new computing infrastructure at the assembly level, from first principles.
thinking about the JAM Protocol, we are exploring how we can contribute to realise more coherent decentralised computing.
Bagpipes, the place to build dapps with no-code... using an awesome drag and drop interface... Zapier is like a "Bagpipes for Web2" : P. This project is a startup that has received multiple grants and has engaged multiple communties, particularly Polkadot and substrate based chains...
We're also interested in autonomous agents with decentralised values to produce novel decentralised organisms. Essentially blockchains that have autonomous agency.
- ⛓️ Bagpipes => no-code playground for web3.
- 🔭 participated in the Kabocha parachain experiment on behalf of Edgeware
- 🌱 working with Substrate Blockchain Framework since December 2020.
- 👯 always looking for like minded contributors to explore how we can realise decentralised organisms for humanity.
- 💬 Ask us about decentralised organisms, blockchains, and how to break old spells.
- 📫 How to reach us: element: @decentration:matrix.org, discord: "Ramsey (Decentration)#2804" email, ramsey@decentration.org