currently supported devices are (as they show up in thermaltakes TTRGBPLUS software:
Riing Plus
Flow Riing RGB
If your's isnt listed, please create an issue and I'll implement it ASAP!!
The setup file will create the systemd user unit, and udev rule
sudo pip install linux_thermaltake_rgb
then add your user to the plugdev
group - sudo usermod -a -G plugdev <user>
then reconnect your device. (you may need to log out and back in so your
user is recognised as being in the plugdev
default configuration is in /etc/linux_thermaltake_rgb/config.yml
edit and configure suitably.
example config:
# specify <port_number>:<device_type>
# port number, referring to the usb hub controller your fans connect too.
1: Riing Plus
2: Riing Plus
3: Riing Plus
4: Riing Plus
5: Floe Riing RGB
# these are passed directly into the fan controller factory method in `daemon.fan_manager`
# and as such, are just kwargs.
type: temp_target
target: 20
sensor_name: k10temp
multiplier: 5
# alternatively, you can set a permanent speed
# fan_controller:
# type: locked_speed
# speed: 80
# same as fan_controller, these are kwargs passed into the lighting_manager factory method.
type: static
r: 50
g: 0
b: 0