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Customizing Repositories


In Sylius we are using both default Doctrine repositories and the custom ones. Often you will be needing to add your very own methods to them. You need to check before which repository is your resource using.

Why would you customize a Repository?

Different sets of different resources can be obtained in various scenarios in your application. You may need for instance:

  • finding Orders by a Customer and a chosen Product
  • finding Products by a Taxon
  • finding Comments by a Customer

How to customize a Repository?


You can browse the full implementation of this example on this GitHub Pull Request.

Let's assume that you would want to find products that you are running out of in the inventory.

1. Create your own repository class under the App\Repository namespace. Remember that it has to extend a proper base class. How can you check that?

For the ProductRepository run:

$ php bin/console debug:container sylius.repository.product

As a result you will get the Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Doctrine\ORM\ProductRepository - this is the class that you need to be extending. To make your class more reusable, you should create a new interface src/Repository/ProductRepositoryInterface.php which will extend Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\ProductRepositoryInterface



namespace App\Repository;

use Sylius\Component\Core\Repository\ProductRepositoryInterface as BaseProductRepositoryInterface;

interface ProductRepositoryInterface extends BaseProductRepositoryInterface
    public function findAllByOnHand(int $limit): array;

namespace App\Repository;

use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Doctrine\ORM\ProductRepository as BaseProductRepository;

class ProductRepository extends BaseProductRepository
    public function findAllByOnHand(int $limit = 8): array
        return $this->createQueryBuilder('o')
            ->leftJoin('o.variants', 'variant')
            ->leftJoin('o.translations', 'translation')
            ->addOrderBy('variant.onHand', 'ASC')

We are using the Query Builder in the Repositories. As we are selecting Products we need to have a join to translations, because they are a translatable resource. Without it in the query results we wouldn't have a name to be displayed.

We are sorting the results by the count of how many products are still available on hand, which is saved on the onHand field on the specific variant of each product. Then we are limiting the query to 8 by default, to get only 8 products that are low in stock.

2. In order to use your repository you need to configure it in the config/packages/_sylius.yaml. As you can see in the _sylius.yaml you already have a basic configuration, now you just need to add your repository and override resourceRepository

                repository: App\Repository\ProductRepository

3. After configuring the sylius.repository.product service has your findByOnHand() method available. You can now use your method in anywhere when you are operating on the Product repository. For example you can configure new route:

path: /partial/products/by-on-hand
methods: [GET]
    _controller: sylius.controller.product:indexAction
        template: '@SyliusShop/Product/_horizontalList.html.twig'
            method: findAllByOnHand
            arguments: [4]
        criteria: false
    paginate: false
    limit: 100

What happens while overriding Repositories?

  • The parameter sylius.repository.product.class contains App\Repository\ProductRepository.
  • The repository service sylius.repository.product is using your new class.
  • Under the sylius.repository.product service you have got all methods from the base repository available plus the one you have added.