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This repo introduces AlgoBank, the very first ARC4 compliant Algorand smart contract written in PyTeal. ARC4 introduces the Algorand ABI: a specification that defines how to call Algorand smart contract methods, and the encoding/decoding of the methods parameters and return values.

AlgoBank is an Algorand application that acts as an escrow account for users' funds. Users can call the AlgoBank methods to deposit funds and optin to the application, get their available balance deposited, and finally withdraw their funds for themselves or for another user.

This application illustrates how to use the new PyTeal features for the ABI support, such as:

  • use of brand new abi types;
  • usage of the Router object taking care of methods and bare calls invocations;
  • generation of the contract description JSON file.

This tutorial will guide you toward the deployment and testing of the AlgoBank smart contract, will help you understanding how the PyTeal Algorand ABI works, and finally how to call ABI methods from the CLI.

⚠️ Disclamer: This code is for demonstration only and has not been audited!

AlgoBank is also deployed on testnet! Check it out on APPID=114521775

How to use it?


  1. Algorand Sandbox in dev mode!
  2. Pipenv dependencies management and virtual envs tool.


The Pipfile in this repo includes all the dependencies to startup a Python venv for AlgoBank. Using pipenv command run:

pipenv install -d

Enter your virtual env

pipenv shell


The AlgoBank smart contract must be deployed on your local Algorand private testnet. To do so, first generate the TEAL source codes for both the AlgoBank approval and clear state programs. To learn more about deploying Algorand smart contract written in PyTeal refer the Algorand developer portal.

Both files must be copied into the Sandbox using the copyTo command:

 ./sandbox copyTo algobank_approval.teal
 ./sandbox copyTo algobank_clear_state.teal

The AlgoBank can now be locally deployed using the goal command app create:

./sandbox goal app create --creator $ACCT1 --approval-prog algobank_approval.teal --clear-prog algobank_clear_state.teal --global-byteslices 0 --global-ints 1 --local-byteslices 0 --local-ints 1 --note "Hello AlgoBank!"

This tutorial assumes that the Algorand accounts available with the Sandbbox have been aliased as ACCT1 and ACCT2, as env variables, as well as the application id APPID and application address APPACCT. To obtain the app account just run ./sandbox goal app info --app-id $APPID

Note that AlgoBank's StateSchema only requires one Global and one Local Integers.

Fund AlgoBank with a minimum balance of 0.1 ALGO:

./sandbox goal clerk send --from $ACCT1 --to $APPACCT --amount 100000`


Deposit funds

To deposit funds a user must call the deposit ABI method. This method takes two arguments: a payment transaction and an Algorand account. First, the payment transaction must be generated, then use the method CLI. Foe example run:

./sandbox goal clerk send --from $ACCT2 --to $APPACCT --amount 1000000 -o payment.txn
./sandbox goal app method --app-id $APPID --method "deposit(pay,account)void" --arg payment.txn --arg $ACCT2 --from $ACCT2 --on-completion OptIn

The method signature is passed as method parameter along with the method arguments and the OptIn on completition. The example above deposits 1 ALGO into the AlgoBank account of ACCT2.

Check the balance

After depositing funds, a user might be interested in checking his available balance. AlgoBank exposes the getBalance method for doing that. This method returns the balance value, which will be decoded by the ABI (clients do not care about encoding/decoding operations with ABI):

./sandbox goal app method --app-id $APPID --method "getBalance(account)uint64" --arg $ACCT2 --from $ACCT2

Withdraw funds

Withdrawals can be accomplished by calling the withdraw method of the application. For example:

./sandbox goal app method --app-id $APPID --method "withdraw(uint64,account)void" --arg 250000 --arg $ACCT2 --from $ACCT2 --fee 2000

A 0.25 ALGO has been withdrawn from the AlgoBank account of ACCT2, and moved to the ACCT2's wallet.


Demo of an ARC4 Algorand Smart Contract






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