A list of learning materials to understand databases internals, including but not limited to:
- papers
- blogs
- courses
- talks
Please submit a pull request if there is any material that you think should be included in this collection.
- SQL & Relation Algebra
- Query Optimizer
- Query Execution
- Transaction
- Network
- Storage
- Serializing & RPC
- Data Partitiioning
- Replication & Consistency
- Consensus
- Scale & Blance
- Benchmark & Testing
CMU Database Systems (15-445/645), thanks to Andy Pavlo
- Course Introduction and the Relational Model.
- Advanced SQL.
UC Berkeley Introduction to Database Systems
- Introduction + SQL I
- Relational Algebra
- 1979, Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System, SIGMOD
- 1979, Query Processing in Main Memory Database Management Systems, VLDB
- 1987, Query Optimization by Simulated Annealing, SIGMOD
- 1988, Grammar-like Functional Rules for Representing Query Optimization Alternatives, SIGMOD
- 1993, The Volcano Optimizer Generator- Extensibility and Efficient Search, ICDE
- 1995, The Cascades Framework for Query Optimization, IEEE Data engineering Bulltin
- 1998, An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems, PODS
- 2001, LEO – DB2’s LEarning Optimizer, VLDB
- 2004, Robust Query Processing through Progressive Optimization, SIGMOD
- 2014, Orca: A Modular Query Optimizer Architecture for Big Data, SIGMOD
- 2016, Parallelizing Query Optimization on Shared-Nothing Architectures, VLDB
- 2016, The MemSQL Query Optimizer: A modern optimizer for real-time analytics in a distributed database, VLDB
- 1996, Modelling Costs for a MM-DBMS, in Real-Time Databases
- 2014, Approximation Schemes for Many-Objective Query Optimization, SIGMOD
- 2015, Multi-Objective Parametric Query Optimization, VLDB
- 2005, An Improved Data Stream Summary: The Count-Min Sketch and its Applications, Journal of Algorithms
- 2007, New Estimation Algorithms for Streaming Data: Count-min Can Do More
- 2017, Adaptive Statistics in Oracle 12c, VLDB