.. py:attribute:: Repository.remotes The collection of configured remotes, an instance of :py:class:`pygit2.remote.RemoteCollection`
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.create_remote
.. autoclass:: pygit2.remote.RemoteCollection :members:
.. autoclass:: pygit2.Remote :members:
.. autoclass:: pygit2.RemoteCallbacks :members:
This class contains the data which is available to us during a fetch.
.. autoclass:: pygit2.remote.TransferProgress :members:
Refspecs objects are not constructed directly, but returned by :meth:`pygit2.Remote.get_refspec`. To create a new a refspec on a Remote, use :meth:`pygit2.Remote.add_fetch` or :meth:`pygit2.Remote.add_push`.
.. autoclass:: pygit2.refspec.Refspec :members:
There are two types of credentials: username/password and SSH key pairs. Both :py:class:`pygit2.UserPass` and :py:class:`pygit2.Keypair` are callable objects, with the appropriate signature for the credentials callback. They will ignore all the arguments and return themselves. This is useful for scripts where the credentials are known ahead of time. More complete interfaces would want to look up in their keychain or ask the user for the data to use in the credentials.
.. autoclass:: pygit2.UserPass
.. autoclass:: pygit2.Keypair