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Extends: Reference


This class stores a filter for the Card Viewer and is responsible for doing comparisons of expressions

Property Descriptions


var property: String
  • Setter: set_property

The property of a card this filter is checking against


var operator: String
  • Setter: set_operator

The property of a card this filter is checking against an operator is either:

  • : – equals
  • ! – different from
  • < – less than
  • – more than


var expression
  • Setter: set_expression

The property of a card this filter is checking against an operator is either:

  • : – equals
  • ! – different from
  • < – less than
  • – more than The expression can either be a integer, or a regex


var type: String

The property of a card this filter is checking against an operator is either:

  • : – equals
  • ! – different from
  • < – less than
  • – more than The expression can either be a integer, or a regex The type of filter this is. It will only be an int, if the property being compared is a number

Method Descriptions


func set_property(value) -> void

Setter for property var


func set_operator(value) -> void

Setter for operator var


func set_expression(value: String) -> void

Setter for expression var


func assess_card_object(card_object: CVListCardObject) -> bool

Compares the provided DBListCardObject against this filter

Returns true if this filter matches the card_properties, else returns false


func compare_regex(value) -> bool

Compares regex based on the operator provided to this filter

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