Forked from the blitz-research/blitz3d_soloud.
You will need to install Microsoft Visual Studio, and the CMake and Git utilities. Any recent version of MSVC should be OK, I am currently using Community Edition 2022.
You will also need to install the following optional MSVC components: "Desktop development with C++", "MFC and ATL support" and "ASP.NET and web development".
Then, from a DOS prompt:
git clone
cd blitz3d_soloud
cmake -S . -B cmake-build-release -A Win32 -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
cmake --build cmake-build-release --config Release
Assuming all went well, the BLITZ3D_INSTALL directory will contain the final binaries, simply run Blitz3D.exe to get blitzing!
... Coming soon.
... Coming soon.
... Coming soon.
No releases yet...