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Train using supervised examples


pip install -e .. (pyproject.toml resides in the parent directory)

Make sure the oasst_data module is installed

python -m pip install ../../oasst-data/

Run tests: pytest .

You might run into a SystemExit here for the test tests/ If so just follow the warning and install flash_attn:

python -m pip install flash_attn

Start training SFT model

python --configs galactica-125m

If you want to get started with a small amount of test data to begin with, add the config webgpt_dataset_only.

If you kill and want to resume, see the --resume_from_checkpoint option.

For wandb: update the entity argument in's call to wandb.init to be your weights and biases username per docs.

Dataset choices

To specify which translation pair for WMT and TED Talk translation simply add the supported language pair at the postfix

    - wmt2019_zh-en
    - wmt2019_ru-en
    - wmt2019_de-en
    - ted_trans_nl-en
    - ted_trans_de-ja

Currently only these languages are supported via prompt translation:


We provide many more datasets for training a list of these can be found in here

Dataset sub-sampling

We can subsample the training data by passing either the fraction or size argument in the configs/config.yml (for RM training configs/config_rm.yml and for RL training configs/config_rl.yml respectively) file. Don't forget the additional colon ":" after the dataset name when doing this.


    - webgpt:
        fraction : 0.05
    - prompt_dialogue:
        size : 500
    - adversarial_qa
    - trivia_qa_nocontext

In this example, per epoch we will use:

  • A random 5% of webgpt;
  • A random 500 examples from prompt_dialogue;
  • All examples from datasets for which we don't specify the fraction or size argument.

In the above example, per epoch we'll use a different 5% from webgpt and a different 500 examples from prompt_dialogue.

This works with torch.distributed.

Training only on OA internal data:

To experiment with the Open Assistant data simply run:

python --configs oasst_export_eu galactica-125m

Change the input_file_path in the oasst_export_eu from the configs/config.yaml file to the correct path.

Training the Reward Model

To experiment with the reward model run:

python --configs defaults_rm oasst-rm-1-pythia-1b

Since the model configs are kept quite minimal it is important to overwrite the other default options (as given by defaults_rm) with the model specific ones.

Training with RL

To train using trlx you first need to install singularity from

Assumes access to a server with 8 GPUs.


singularity build --sandbox tritonserver-pyt.sif docker://

Process a trained RM model to use in a tritonserver

python --configs pythia_rlhf --triton_mode rm
python --configs pythia_rlhf --triton_mode sft

We can know launch the container instance that runs the RM on a specified GPU

SINGULARITYENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 singularity run --nv --bind .triton_models/model_store_rm:/model_store tritonserver-pyt.sif tritonserver --model-repository=/model_store --http-port 8001 --grpc-port 8002 --metrics-port 8003
SINGULARITYENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 singularity run --nv --bind .triton_models/model_store_sft:/model_store tritonserver-pyt.sif tritonserver --model-repository=/model_store --http-port 8004 --grpc-port 8005 --metrics-port 8006

Finally, we can train using PPO:

export TRITON_HOST_RM=localhost:8002/<RM_MODEL_NAME>
export TRITON_HOST_REF=localhost:8005/<REF_MODEL_NAME>

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5 OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 accelerate launch --main_process_port 29501 --config_file configs/accelerate_config.yaml --num_processes 6 --configs defaults defaults_rlhf pythia_rlhf oasst_export_latin_cyrillic_rlhf

Note: --num_processes must be equal to the number of GPUs used for training.

Test your model

You can interactively test your model like this:

python3 tools/ --model_path <saved_path/huggingface>
# For example, if you trained with the default config:
python3 tools/ --model_path saved_model
# Add --8bit  if it is an 8bit model

Or start a conversation with your bot interactively, mainly for testing context switch ability

python3 tools/ --model_path <saved_path/huggingface>
# For example, if you trained with the default config:
python3 tools/ --model_path saved_model


Normally you should be able to add new models in configs/config.yml

  learning_rate: 2e-6
  model_name: <huggingface model name>
  weight_decay: 0.01
  max_length: 812
  warmup_steps: 600
  gradient_checkpointing: false
  gradient_accumulation_steps: 5
  per_device_train_batch_size: 4
  per_device_eval_batch_size: 4
python --configs defaults your-model-name

However, if the model of your choice doesn't have pad_token, eos_token, sep_token, you have to update get_tokenizer in to use the right token.

Deepspeed support

You can edit the configs/zero_config.json and use any stage you wish. The current config uses zero-stage 3. For more details on how to setup the config checkout this page.

Once you are satisfied with your deepzero config, you can add the --deepspeed flag at the end to trigger deepspeed. You should typically use the deepspeed launcher to train

deepspeed --configs defaults your-model-name --deepspeed


Here is an uncomplete overview of datasets for sft:

dataset_name train_counts eval_counts total_counts
joke 301 76 377
webgpt 14251 3563 17814
gpt4all 313552 78388 391940
alpaca 41361 10346 51707
code_alpaca 16017 4004 20021
vicuna 46939 11735 58674
minimath 2304 576 2880
humaneval_mbpp_codegen_qa 472 119 591
humaneval_mbpp_testgen_qa 472 119 591
grade_school_math_instructions 7033 1759 8792
recipes 3797 950 4747
cmu_wiki_qa 1288 322 1610
oa_wiki_qa_bart_10000row 8000 2000 10000
prosocial_dialogue 157160 26983 184143
explain_prosocial 360708 61248 421956
soda 924102 231026 1155128
oa_leet10k 18728 4683 23411

This list can be generated with the following command, but beware that this downloads all available datasets (>100GB):

python --datasets all --mode sft

One can specify datasets, which can be found in the config corresponding to the mode the mode (e.g. configs/config.yaml for sft, configs/config_rm.yaml for rm):

python --datasets webgpt squad_v2 --mode sft


  • If training on a VM, you might need to install OpenMPI. Check out this blog post by Lambda on how to install OpenMPI on their machines.
  • Installing mpi4py requires python-dev, which can be installed via sudo apt install libpython3.10-dev (replace 3.10 with whatever Python version you're running).


Experimental results in wandb here.


  • recreate init in trainer that does not load the ref_model, currently hard coded
  • same for not loading the self.tokenizer in AccelerateRLTrainer