JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter.
Table of Contents
JsPrettier is compatible with both Sublime Text 2 and 3, and all supported Operating Systems.
- Sublime Text – Text editor for code
- node.js – JavaScript runtime
If you've already installed Prettier (using one of the yarn or npm commands below), you're all set... otherwise:
# yarn (local):
yarn add prettier --dev
# yarn (global):
yarn global add prettier
# npm (local):
npm install --save-dev prettier
# npm (global):
npm install --global prettier
The easiest and recommended way to install Js​Prettier is using Package Control.
From the application menu, navigate to:
->Command Palette...
->Package Control: Install Package
, type the word JsPrettier, then select it to complete the installation.
- Download and extract Js​Prettier zip file to your Sublime Text Packages directory.
- Rename the extracted directory from
Default Sublime Text Packages Paths:
- OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text [2|3]/Packages
- Linux:
~/.Sublime Text [2|3]/Packages
- Windows:
%APPDATA%/Sublime Text [2|3]/Packages
NOTE Replace the
part with the appropriate Sublime Text version for your installation.
If you're a Git user, you can install JsPrettier and keep it up-to-date by cloning the repository directly into your Sublime Text Packages directory.
TIP: You can locate your Sublime Text Packages directory by using the application menu
->Browse Packages...
git clone https://github.com/jonlabelle/SublimeJsPrettier.git "JsPrettier"
There are three available options to format code:
- Command Palette: From the command palette (ctrl/cmd + shift + p), type JsPrettier Format Code.
- Context Menu: Right-click anywhere in the file to bring up the context menu and select JsPrettier Format Code.
- Key Binding: There is no default key binding to run Prettier, but here's how to add your own.
will attempt to format selections of code first, then the entire
file. When auto_format_on_save
is true
, the entire file will be formatted.
To add a custom key binding, please reference the following example which
binds the js_prettier
command to ctrl + alt + f:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+f"], "command": "js_prettier" }
Plug-in settings and Prettier options can be configured by navigating the application menu to:
- Preferences
- Package Settings
- JsPrettier
- Settings - Default (to view the defaults)
- Settings - User (to override the defaults)
- JsPrettier
- Package Settings
debug (default: false)
When enabled (true), debug info will print to the console - useful for troubleshooting and inspecting generated commands passed to Prettier. Enabling debug mode also sets Prettier's--loglevel
option todebug
(when not overridden byadditional_cli_args
), for printing additional debug information to the console. -
prettier_cli_path (default: empty)
If Sublime Text has problems automatically resolving a path to Prettier, you can set a custom path here.When the setting is empty, the plug-in will attempt to find Prettier by:
- Searching the path relative to the current Sublime Text Project directory...
. - The JsPrettier plug-in directory...
. - The current user's home directory...
. - And finally a globally installed Prettier instance.
... { // macOS/Linux: "prettier_cli_path": "/usr/local/bin/prettier" "prettier_cli_path": "/some/absolute/path/to/node_modules/.bin/prettier" "prettier_cli_path": "./node_modules/.bin/prettier" "prettier_cli_path": "~/bin/prettier" "prettier_cli_path": "$HOME/bin/prettier" "prettier_cli_path": "${project_path}/bin/prettier" "prettier_cli_path": "$ENV/bin/prettier" // Windows: "prettier_cli_path": "C:/path/to/prettier.cmd" "prettier_cli_path": "%USERPROFILE%\\bin\\prettier.cmd" } ...
- Searching the path relative to the current Sublime Text Project directory...
node_path (default: empty)
If Sublime Text has problems resolving the absolute path to node, you can set a custom path here.Examples:
... { // macOS/Linux: "node_path": "/usr/local/bin/node" "node_path": "/some/absolute/path/to/node" "node_path": "./node" "node_path": "~/bin/node" "node_path": "$HOME/bin/node" "node_path": "${project_path}/bin/node" "node_path": "$ENV/bin/node" // Windows: "node_path": "C:/path/to/node.exe" "node_path": "%USERPROFILE%\\bin\\node.exe" } ...
auto_format_on_save (default: false)
Automatically format the file on save. -
auto_format_on_save_excludes (default: [])
File exclusion patterns to ignore whenauto_format_on_save
is enabled.Example:
{ "auto_format_on_save_excludes": [ "*/node_modules/*", "*/file.js", "*.json" ] }
auto_format_on_save_requires_prettier_config (default: false)
Enable auto format on save only when a Prettier config file is (or isn't) found.The Prettier config file is resolved by first checking if a
--config </path/to/prettier/config>
is specified in theadditional_cli_args
setting, then by searching the location of the file being formatted, and finally navigating up the file tree until a config file is (or isn't) found. -
allow_inline_formatting (default: false)
Enables the ability to format selections of in-lined code. For example, to format a selection of JavaScript code within a PHP or HTML file. When true, the JsPrettier command is available for use across all Sublime Text syntaxes. -
custom_file_extensions (default: [])
There's built-in support already forjs
(angular html) files.Put additional file extensions here, and be sure not to include the leading dot in the file extension.
max_file_size_limit (default: -1)
The max allowed file size to format in bytes. For performance reasons, files with a greater file size than the specifiedmax_file_size_limit
will not format. Setting themax_file_size_limit
value to -1 disables the file size checking (default). -
disable_tab_width_auto_detection (default: false)
Whether or not to disable the plug-in from automatically setting Prettier's "tabWidth / --tab-width" option, and adhere to the Prettier configured setting. -
disable_prettier_cursor_offset (default: false)
There's an apparent (and nasty) defect in Prettier that seems to occur during Prettier's cursor offset calculation, and when attempting to format large or minimized files (but not limited to just these cases). The issue effectively results in the CPU spiking to a constant 100%... indefinitely, or until the node executable/process running Prettier is forcefully terminated.To avoid this problematic behavior, or until the defect is resolved, you can disable the plug-in (JsPrettier) from ever passing the cursor offset position to Prettier by setting the
value totrue
.- See related issues: #147, #168
- Prettier Cursor Offset Documentation
additional_cli_args (default: {})
A key-value pair of arguments to append to the prettier command.Examples:
{ "additional_cli_args": { "--config": "~/.prettierrc", "--config": "$HOME/.prettierrc", "--config": "${project_path}/.prettierrc", "--config": "/some/absolute/path/to/.prettierrc", "--config-precedence": "file-override", "--ignore-path": "${file_path}/.prettierignore", "--with-node-modules": "", "--plugin-search-dir": "$folder" } }
useTabs (internally set by the translate_tabs_to_spaces setting)
Indent lines with tabs. -
printWidth (default: 80)
Specifies that the formatted code should fit within this line limit. -
tabWidth (default: 2)
Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level.IMPORTANT: By default, "tabWidth" is automatically set using the SublimeText configured value for "tab_size". To disable this behavior, you must first change the
value fromfalse
, totrue
. -
singleQuote (default: false)
Format code using single or double-quotes. -
trailingComma (default: "none")
Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible. Valid options:- "none" - No trailing commas
- "es5" - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc)
- "all" - Trailing commas wherever possible (function arguments)
bracketSpacing (default: true)
Controls the printing of spaces inside object literals. -
jsxBracketSameLine (default: false)
When true, multi-line jsx elements with right-angle brackets (">") are placed at the end of the last line, instead of alone on the next line. -
parser (default: "babel")
is automatically set by the plug-in (JsPrettier), based on the contents of current file or selection. -
semi (default: true)
true to add a semicolon at the end of every line, or false to add a semicolon at the beginning of lines that may introduce ASI failures. -
requirePragma (default: false)
Prettier can ignore formatting files that contain a special comment, called a pragma at the top of the file. This is useful when gradually transitioning large, unformatted codebases to prettier.For example, a file with its first comment specified below, and the
option:/** * @prettier */
/** * @format */
proseWrap (default: "preserve")
(Markdown and YAML Only) By default, Prettier will wrap Markdown and YAML text as-is since some services use a linebreak-sensitive renderer, e.g. GitHub comment and BitBucket. In some cases you may want to rely on SublimeText soft wrapping instead, so this option allows you to opt out with "never".Valid Options:
- "always" - Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.
- "never" - Do not wrap prose.
- "preserve" (default) - Wrap prose as-is. available in v1.9.0+
arrowParens (default: "avoid")
Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter.Valid Options:
- "avoid" (default) - Omit parentheses when possible. Example:
x => x
- "always" - Always include parentheses. Example:
(x) => x
- "avoid" (default) - Omit parentheses when possible. Example:
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity (default: "css")
(HTML Only) Specify the global whitespace sensitivity for HTML files, see whitespace-sensitive formatting for more info.Valid Options:
- "css" (default) - Respect the default value of CSS display property.
- "strict" - Whitespaces are considered sensitive.
- "ignore" - Whitespaces are considered insensitive.
quoteProps (default: "as-needed")
Change when properties in objects are quoted. Requires Prettier v1.17+.Valid options:
- "as-needed" (default) - Only add quotes around object properties where required.
- "consistent" - If at least one property in an object requires quotes, quote all properties.
- "preserve" - Respect the input use of quotes in object properties.
vueIndentScriptAndStyle (default: false)
(Vue files Only) Whether or not to indent the code inside<script>
tags in Vue files. Some people (like the creator of Vue) don't indent to save an indentation level, but this might break code folding in Sublime Text.Valid Options:
- false (default) - Do not indent script and style tags in Vue files.
- true - Indent script and style tags in Vue files.
See the Prettier Options doc page for more details and examples.
JsPrettier supports project-level settings, specified in <project_name>.sublime-project
In order for your project-level settings to override previous configurations,
you'll need to add a new js_prettier
key and section under settings
, as seen below.
"folders": [
"path": "."
"settings": {
"js_prettier": {
"debug": false,
"prettier_cli_path": "",
"node_path": "",
"auto_format_on_save": false,
"auto_format_on_save_excludes": [],
"auto_format_on_save_requires_prettier_config": false,
"allow_inline_formatting": false,
"custom_file_extensions": [],
"max_file_size_limit": -1,
"disable_tab_width_auto_detection": false,
"disable_prettier_cursor_offset": false,
"additional_cli_args": {},
"prettier_options": {
"printWidth": 80,
"tabWidth": 2,
"singleQuote": false,
"trailingComma": "none",
"bracketSpacing": true,
"jsxBracketSameLine": false,
"parser": "babel",
"semi": true,
"requirePragma": false,
"proseWrap": "preserve",
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
"quoteProps": "as-needed",
"vueIndentScriptAndStyle": false
When Prettier configuration files are detected, options defined in Sublime
Text are ignored, with the exception of parser
, tabWidth
and useTabs
These options are automatically set based on syntax settings of the current file
or selection(s) defined in Sublime Text.
To specify a custom Prettier config path, simply add a --config <path>
key-value item to additional_cli_args
. Here's an example:
"--config": "~/some/path/from/my/home/.prettierrc",
"--config-precedence": "prefer-file",
"--ignore-path": "${project_path}/.prettierignore"
You can also add the --no-config
option to the additional_cli_args
and tell Prettier not to attempt to find config files.
"additional_cli_args": {
"--no-config": ""
When the --ignore-path
option is NOT specified in additional_cli_args
, the
plug-in will attempt to discover and set --ignore-path <file>
when a
config exists in the same directory of the source file
(first), or the active Sublime Text project root directory (second).
In most cases, Prettier PHP works as drop-in replacement for Prettier.
However, JsPrettier only detects if you're formatting a PHP file (or PHP selection),
and sets the --parser
to php
accordingly. Aside from that, it's up to you ensure your
config(s) conform to Prettier PHP options.
To install Prettier PHP in your project root, and use it as a drop-in replacement for Prettier:
cd to/project/directory
npm install @prettier/plugin-php
To report a bug or a make suggestion, please open a new issue selecting the appropriate Issue Template (Bug report or Feature request). Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in each template... otherwise your submission will be subject to immediate closure.
Please visit the Changelog page for a complete list of changes.
Jon LaBelle