Maven, TestNG, Selenium WebDriver, Zalenium, Travis CI, Allure Reporting Framework, WebDriver Extensions, Log4j, Maven Surefire Plugin(for parallel tests execution), GitHub Pages, and BrowserStack. All automation is done in Java.
mvn clean test -Dselenium.hostURL=LINK_GENERATED_IN_BROWSERSTACK
- Selenium Guidebook
- Easy Setup for Parallel Test Execution with Selenium Docker
- You dont need static driver or static methods
- A Maven Plugin to manage, download and install drivers
- Better Page Object Handling with Loadable Component Pattern
- Maven Surefire Plugin Using TestNG
- Parallel execution of multiple TestNG suites
- A flexible and scalable container based Selenium Grid with video recording, live preview, basic auth & dashboard
- Retry Failed Tests in TestNG
- Selenium with Java. BrowserStack documentation
- Retrieve test name on TestNG
- Extent Reporting Framework Documentation
- Extent Reports Version 3 Reporting with TestNG Listener
- GitHub pages to store Extent Report
- Allure Documentation