Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.5.
Installation | Setup | Gifs | Docs | Plugins | Development | Kudos
Tree-sitter support branch:
All new features and fixes are going to the tree-sitter
Use your favourite package manager:
use {'kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim', config = function()
Lazy loading (Not recommended)
Lazy loading via ft
option works, but not completely. Global mappings are not set because plugin is not initialized on startup.
Above setup has startup time of somewhere between 1 and 3 ms, so there are no many benefits in lazy loading.
If you want to do it anyway, here's the lazy load setup:
use {'kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim',
ft = {'org'},
config = function()
Plug 'kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim'
call dein#add('kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim')
-- init.lua
org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
Or if you are using init.vim
" init.vim
lua << EOF
org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'},
org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/',
- Open agenda prompt: <Leader>oa
- Open capture prompt: <Leader>oc
- In any orgmode buffer press ? for help
If you use nvim-compe and want to enable autocompletion, add this to your compe config:
source = {
orgmode = true
For nvim-cmp, add orgmode
to list of sources:
sources = {
{ name = 'orgmode' }
For completion.nvim, just add omni
mode to chain complete list and add additional keyword chars:
vim.g.completion_chain_complete_list = {
org = {
{ mode = 'omni'},
vim.cmd[[autocmd FileType org setlocal iskeyword+=:,#,+]]
Or just use omnifunc
via <C-x><C-o>
- Agenda view
- Search by tags/keyword
- Repeatable dates, date and time ranges
- Capturing to default notes file/destination
- Archiving (archive file or ARCHIVE tag)
- Exporting (via
and custom export options) - Notifications (experimental, see Issue #49)
- Calendar popup for easier navigation and date updates
- Various org file mappings:
- Promote/Demote
- Change TODO state
- Change dates
- Insert/Move/Refile headlines
- Change tags
- Toggle checkbox state
- Agenda prompt:
- Agenda view (a):
- Ability to show daily(vd)/weekly(vw)/monthly(vm)/yearly(vy) agenda
- Support for various date settings:
- DEADLINE: Warning settings - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 -1d>
- SCHEDULED: Delay setting - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 -2d>
- All dates - Repeater settings:
- Cumulate type:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 +1w>
- Catch-up type:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 ++1w>
- Restart type:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00 .+1w>
- Cumulate type:
- Time ranges - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00-12:30>
- Date ranges - example:
<2021-06-11 Fri 11:00-12:30>--<2021-06-13 Sun 22:00>
- DEADLINE: Warning settings - example:
- Properly lists tasks according to defined dates (DEADLINE,SCHEDULED,Plain date)
- Navigate forward (f)/backward(b) or jump to specific date (J)
- Go to task under cursor in current window(<CR>) or other window(<TAB>)
- Print category from ":CATEGORY:" property if defined
- List tasks that have "TODO" state (t):
- Find headlines matching tag(s) (m):
- Search for headlines (and it's content) for a query (s):
- Advanced search for tags/todo kewords/properties
- Notifications (experimental, see Issue #49)
- Agenda view (a):
- Capture:
- Define custom templates
- Fast capturing to default notes file via <C-c>
- Capturing to specific destination <Leader>or
- Abort capture with <Leader>ok
- Org files
- Refile to destination/headline: <Leader>or
- Increase/Decrease date under cursor: <C-a>/<C-x>
- Change date under cursor via calendar popup: cid
- Change headline TODO state: forwardcit or backwardciT
- Open hyperlink or date under cursor: <Leader>oo
- Toggle checkbox: <C-space>
- Toggle folding of current headline: <TAB>
- Toggle folding in whole file: <S-TAB>
- Archive headline: <Leader>o$
- Add archive tag: <Leader>oA
- Change tags: <Leader>ot
- Promote headline: <<
- Demote headline: >>
- Promote subtree: <s
- Demote subtree: >s
- Add headline/list item/checkbox: <Leader><CR>
- Insert heading after current heading and it's content: <Leader>oih
- Insert TODO heading after current line: <Leader>oiT
- Insert TODO heading after current heading and it's content: <Leader>oit
- Move headline up: <Leader>oK
- Move headline down: <Leader>oJ
- Highlighted code blocks (
#+BEGIN_SRC filetype
) - Exporting (via
and custom export options)
Link to detailed documentation: DOCS
- org-bullets.nvim - Show org mode bullets as UTF-8 characters
- headlines.nvim - Add few highlight options for code blocks and headlines
- sniprun - For code evaluation in blocks
- vim-table-mode - For table support
See all available plugins on orgmode-nvim
If you built a plugin please add "orgmode-nvim" topic to it.
NOTE: None of the Emacs Orgmode plugins will be built into orgmode.nvim.
Anything that's a separate plugin in Emacs Orgmode should be a separate plugin in here.
Point of this plugin is to provide functionality that's built into Emacs Orgmode core,
and a good foundation for external plugins.
If you want to build a plugin, post suggestions and improvements on Plugins infrastructure
To run tests, plenary.nvim is necessary. Once installed, run:
make test
Vim documentation is auto generated from file with md2vim.
Formatting is done via StyLua. To format everything run:
make format
Parser is written manually from scratch. It doesn't follow any parser writing patterns (AFAIK), because I don't have much experience with those. Any help on this topic is appreciated.
- Support searching by properties
- Improve checkbox hierarchy
- Support todo keyword faces
- Support clocking work time (Added on tree-sitter branch)
- Improve folding (Added on tree-sitter branch)
- Support exporting (via existing emacs tools)
- Support archiving to specific headline
- Support tables
- Support diary format dates
- Support evaluating code blocks
- @dhruvasagar and his vim-dotoo plugin that got me started using orgmode. Without him this plugin would not happen.
- vim-orgmode for some parts of the code (mostly syntax)