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Bacon is a framework for orchestrating machine learning experiments on AWS. The stack consists of:

  • Airflow service on ECS Fargate,
  • ECS autoscaling group on which to run Weights & Biases hyperparameter sweeps
  • API to trigger parallelized W&B sweep runs.

Sweeps are run in parallel over eight workers per EC2 instance. Choose between c5.9xlarge (default) or p3.8xlarge instances for training.


  • AWS account and user with appropriate permissions and credentials
  • (Optional) Running On-demand P instances vCPU quota >= 32 (if using p3.8xlarge instance type)
  • (Optional) An EC2 key pair with which to connect to the sweep task autoscaling group
  • NodeJS and NPM (the present package was developed against versions v14.18.1 and v8.3.0, respectively)
  • Python virtualenv module and an accessible python3.9 distribution
  • An AWS Secrets Manager secret named WandbApiTokenSecret with a key-value pair WandbApiKey: <key>, where <key> is your W&B access token.


$ make install


Images (bacon-<env>-images)

The Images stack provisions for CodeBuild projects that build the requisite Docker images. The following command deploys the Images stack:

$ make deploy-images [env=<value>]

The default value for env is staging.

Bacon (bacon-<env>)

Note: To deploy a Bacon stack with env=<env>, you must first deploy a respective bacon-<env>-images.

The following command deploys the main Bacon stack:

$ make deploy [contextVar=<value>...]

where contextVar belongs to the following options:

  • env: Stack environment -- suffixed to stack name (default: staging)
  • sweepTaskImageTag: Tag of sweep task image (default example UNet sub-module gitsha)
  • airflowImageTag: Tag of Airflow image (default: present gitsha)
  • sweepTaskInstanceType: Instance Type for sweep task autoscaling group (default: c5.9xlarge)
  • numSweepTasks: Number of sweep tasks to run (default: 8)
  • maxNumInstances: Max number of instances to run in autoscaling group (default: 1)


To run a W&B hyperparameter sweep experiment:

  1. Navigate to the Airflow UI using the load balancer DNS Cloudformation output
  2. Trigger the sweep_dag with a sweep experiment config
  3. Monitor tasks on the SweepCluster ECS cluster and training data in the W & B sweep console, which can be obtained from the init_sweep Airflow task logs.

Sweep experiment config schema

A sweep experiment config passed to the sweep_dag trigger should contain the following fields:

  • experiment_id (string): ID for the sweep experiment
  • n_runs_per_task (int, optional): Number of runs to conduct per task (default 10)
  • sweep_config (object): A W&B sweep config specification.

NOTE: Leave the sweep_config.command field unset; it will be set by the sweep_dag.


example/unet is an example project that uses Bacon to orchestrate experiments. It consists of:

  • UNet implementation and training procedure
  • Sweep experiment Docker image
  • Example experiment configuration

The sweep experiment Docker image's entrypoint is a shell script that invokes the training procedure via the W&B sweep agent. The sweep agent pulls parameters from the W&B server against which the sweep from the init_sweep Airflow task was executed.

To run the example on your Bacon stack,

  1. Navigate to the sweep DAG in the Airflow console
  2. Trigger the DAG with example/unet/exp/config.json as the DAG `conf``

You can obtain the W&B sweep URL from the init_sweep Airflow task logs and then observe the experiment in the W&B console.

Make targets

  • venv: Set up a virtual environment; requires virtualenv Python module installed, as well as an accessible Python 3.9 distribution
  • install: Activate virtual environment and install Python dependencies
  • image-airflow: Build Airflow service image
  • image-registrar: Build registrar function image
  • deploy-images: Deploy -images stack; see Deployment section
  • deploy: Deploy Bacon stack; see Deployment section
  • test-dag: Activate virtual environment and validate the sweep_dag
  • clean: Clean the virtual environment and dist output


Upcoming features:

  • CLI for triggering sweep experiments
  • Auto generate experiment IDs
  • Include model deployment support downstream of the sweep tasks


A framework for machine learning experiments







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