Here you can find a collection of eemont tutorials in Jupyter Notebooks and RMarkdown files:
- Masking Clouds and Shadows in Sentinel-2 (Jupyter Notebook)
- Scaling a Sentinel-2 Image Collection (Jupyter Notebook)
- Getting the Closest Image to a Specific Date (Jupyter Notebook)
- Computing Spectral Indices on Landsat 8 (Jupyter Notebook)
- Computing the EVI with Overloaded Operators (Jupyter Notebook)
- Computing NDSI and Snow Cover using Overloaded Operators and Rich Comparisons (Jupyter Notebook)
- Masking Clouds in Sentinel-3 (Jupyter Notebook)
- Cloudless MOD09Q1 Median Composite (Jupyter Notebook)
- Using eemont and geemap in R with rgee (RMarkdown)
- Creating Points From Queries (Jupyter Notebook)
- Creating a Bounding Box From a Query (Jupyter Notebook)
- Computing Spectral Indices on MODIS (Jupyter Notebook)
- Time Series By Region and Conversion to Pandas (Jupyter Notebook)
- Time Series By Regions and Conversion to Pandas (Jupyter Notebook)
- Scaling and Offseting ANY RASTER DATASET From the GEE STAC (Jupyter Notebook)
- Spectral Indices From the Awesome Spectral Indices for GEE (Jupyter Notebook)
- Masking Clouds and Shadows in VIIRS Products (Jupyter Notebook)
- Complete Preprocessing (Clouds Masking, Shadows Masking, Scaling and Offsetting) With Just One Method (Jupyter Notebook)
- Checking the STAC Info of ANY RASTER DATASET in the GEE STAC (Jupyter Notebook)
- Overloaded Operators for the ee.Number Object Class (Jupyter Notebook)
- Citation Tools for ANY RASTER DATASET in the GEE STAC (Jupyter Notebook)
- Overloaded Operators for the ee.List Object Class (Jupyter Notebook)
- Creating Geometries from Plus Codes (And Viceversa) (Jupyter Notebook)
- Container Emulation Methods for ee.Image and ee.ImageCollection (Jupyter Notebook)
- Landsat 8 - Collection 2 (Jupyter Notebook)
- Histogram Matching (Jupyter Notebook)
- Panchromatic Sharpening (Jupyter Notebook)