⚠️ Deprecated: this project moved to a monorepo and is now maintained at https://github.com/datatlas-erasme/datatlas
DatAtlas allows you to create a map of the territory on the fly by embedding data from different sources: open sourced data but also crowdsourced data
All infos about the front and the back are stored here
React Front using kepler.gl
The easiest way to launch datAtlas can be by using docker-compose
- Clone the repo
- Copy env.example and rename it into .env
- Put your mapbox token in the .env file
- Launch DatAtlas
docker-compose up
Now you can access the server trough http://localhost:5007
- Clone the repo
- Copy env.example and rename it into .env
- Put your mapbox token in the .env file
- Change the backend var URl
- Install and start npm
npm install npm start
Datatlas is made of a front and a back
The front is a keplergl surcharged with a styling and theme management [WIP]
The back is here to give the front the styling,dataset configuration and urls He is also able to handle notion tables he converts into a readable keplergl json format (and soon other unconventionnal data sources / unconventionnal => no geojson )
The front needs the back server to know :
- wich data layers he needs to load
- wich name he has (ex: Datatlas-Industries)
- wich optionnal button he has (ex: crowdsourcing buttons to add a new point on the map)
- how are the layers and filters configured by default
two API routes are used for it :
GET api/
more infos on routes here
DatAtlas is not ready for production yet
A search field shows up when you configure a list of searchfilters
"searchFilters": ["s66961zse"]
is afilter
The search query look for matches in the specified filter domains
via a fuzzy search
and sort them using a scoring algorithm.
Warning : Specifying more than on filter
may lead to unexpected results.