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The purpose of this set of tutorials is to provide a quick introduction to using DART. We designed many hands-on exercises to make the learning effective and fun. To follow along with this tutorial, first locate the tutorial code in the directory: dart/tutorials. For each of the four tutorials, we provide the skeleton code as the starting point (e.g. [tutorial_multi_pendulum.cpp] ( tutorial_multi_pendulum.cpp)) and the final code as the answer to the tutorial (e.g. tutorial_multi_pendulum_finished.cpp).

Build Each Example

Copy the subdirectory to your workspace and follow the instruction of in the subdirectory.

Build Examples as One Project

Build Instructions

This project is dependent on DART. Please make sure a proper version of DART is installed before building this project.

Copy this directory to your workspace (e.g., in Linux):

$ cp -r tutorials /your/workspace/directory/dart_tutorials
$ cd /your/workspace/directory/dart_tutorials

From the workspace directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Execute Instructions

Launch the each executable from the build directory above (e.g.,):

$ ./tutorial_biped/tutorial_biped

Follow the instructions detailed in the console.