Hacking Charles Web Debugging Proxy
This version is only for charles v4.0. you can download it from: https://www.charlesproxy.com/download/, install as usual and replace charles.jar with the one in this repository.
If you're using other version, like v4.0.1 or above, you can hack it by yourself:
mkdir $dir
cd $dir
cat >> License.java <<EOF
package com.xk72.charles;
public final class License {
public static boolean a() { return true; }
public static String b() { return "http://www.gfzj.us"; }
public static String a(String name, String key) { return null; }
javac -encoding UTF-8 License.java -d .&& jar -uvf $charles com/xk72/charles/License.class
cd .. && rm -rf $dir